1. Hey, Ben what percentage of your runs are easy vs hard in your current valencia training block? Do you follow the 80/20 rule.
    I think athletes like yourself and the pros can afford to go hard more often, due to good conditioning and fitness levels. But for say for someone like me, who isn't that strong yet, what do you recommend for my training block? (For reference – I'm an 18min 10k runner). Planning to do my first marathon in december.

  2. To all athletes, avoid spurious supplements – non science to nonsense! People always assume a positive, but could be a negative or worse end up or contain prohibited metabolites. Too much overt product placement 😢

  3. Entered the Manchester Marathon next year, looking forward to adapting some of these brutal workouts! Could you maybe do a full day of eating on a training day? Thanks mate

  4. Hi Ben! I'm thinking on buying a Coros Pace 2 as my Garmin is quite old and it has started to give me some problems. Which strap do you recommend, the nulon one or the silicone one?

  5. Have you always had such ‘low’ heart rates for running Ben or has this improved over time?

    I’ve been ruining seriously for about 2.5 months now. I’m training for a HM in December. A lot of the training plan is basing things on heart rate – whilst this has got better for me I don’t know if there’s more potential for me to get this lower still or whether it kinda is what it is now.
    On flat road I could run about 5:40/km keeping heart rate below 140 bpm, now at around 5:25/km for the same.

    I’m in my mid 30s now too so age not on my side!

  6. Ben one question, do you tape your feet or use anything to help combat blisters? I never see much out of people who run a lot or fast about foot care, and preventing blisters. Don't know if you would be down to make a video or even a short series in foot care during training and also for race day and post race, I think it would be highly beneficial!

  7. Brutal workout, keep up the good work and you will smash it in Valencia. With regards to the content, excellent as always Ben. I loved how you showed the stats from the Coros app using some kind of mobile screen recording app, nice touch! Thanks a lot.

  8. Great work, 30km intervals! Wishing you well for the training ahead. Glad to see more of the Coros as I am keen to move over from Garmin. Nice balance of promoted stuff and not. Keep it up mate.

  9. Unreal as usual. Ben, ever had runners hangover? Did Manchester half on Sunday, spent the rest of the day feeling grim hungover. Migraine, shakes, lethargic. Any advice?

  10. Huge session and a really well made blog 👏 just coming off London I like the sound of this session, you smashed it with the splits but I know the feeling with float times, I guess you can focus on maintaining those float times deeper into the block and go back and compare?

  11. Ben, did you use Scarlet Fire in the intro video as a homage to a certain youtuber (if you know, you know), or do you just really like the tune? Keep crushing the training!

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