1. Doug, you smoke cigarettes, weed is like smoking cigarettes, except it tastes good, smells good, interesting to work with before smoking, and you feel like youve had 2 beers in 15 seconds after smoking, its the perfect drug for you, i cant tell if you are fronting because you carry on the road with you, or you realistically dont like weed, but it makes no sense if you dont

  2. You obviously don't know much about marijuana. It will cause medical problems? It causes very little of that. It actually has been proven to have much more positive medical effects. Mix grass with tobacco? LOL, No thanks… fuck that. You obviously haven't smoked weed very much. Psychological effects of dependency? You can get dependent on gambling, cheeseburgers, and sex. Should those things be banned too? You can get psychologically dependent on everything.

  3. @jus Nice circular argument "Ban booze?… ok. Two words… Al Capone".
    Hasnt weed been proven to be impossible to ban too? Even mixing weed with tobaco it even has benefits as studies have shown(you could have watched the video i posted rather than jumping to assumptions). Culturally alcohol is more destructive than marijuana, and physically its more destructive too. Weed beats it in every comparison and then some. For instance what medical advantages does alcohol have apart from sterilization?

  4. @NicosMind – Dope will bring its own problems with it and it will cause medical problems. People WILL mix grass with tobacco…. they will. Therefore more smokers. Then there is the psychological effects of dependency, which does exist in frequent users.

    Alcohol has been a fundamental part of western culture for 100 years and it is logistically impossible to ban it, so stop dragging up that lame old point in pro-legalisation rants. It is irrelevant.

    Ban booze?… ok. Two words… Al Capone.

  5. @brimstonejack Marijuana doesnt have a toxicity level. People on marijuana dont get into fights like people on alcohol instead they would rather avoid them and order a pizza. Marijuana unlike cigarettes doesnt cause cancer in fact it shows signs of protection.
    Its suppose to be a "crime" in order to protect people yet theres far more dangerous legal substances out there which cause society far more problems from their consequences. Dont you think there is an injustice?

  6. On people getting arrested/sent to jail for taking drugs.
    "When the consiquence for the crime hurt the individual more than the crime itself, then we have an injustice"

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