FDA Approves First Medication Made From Marijuana

The medication is for two rare forms of epilepsy and the FDA’s approval could spur much more research into other uses for …


  1. Epidiolex approved only for investigational use, contains sesame oil, alcohol, sucralose and (artificial) strawberry flavoring.

    How much is this experimental drug going to cost, for ingredients available anywhere for pennies, but for the effective ingredient anyone could grow for free. It's a weed. What about alcoholics, don't forget your alcohol. What about health issues from sucralose and unnatural artificial flavoring. Why does FDA approval require unhealthy toxic contaminants?

  2. Without THC, there is no high. I had a chronic foot pain, which doctors answer was opioids. I did not take and settled on Ibuprofen. I tried CBD oil that is derived from marijuana, which contains no THC. The CBD did the trick. Not only did the pain go away, but the swelling and pain has gone away. Over 1 year now not taking anything and I am free of pain.

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