1. i loved that apartment but i feel like you should try finding a 2 bedroom because i looove the pod !! plus you didn’t seem to like it to much but what do i know
    also not me trying to see if i can see a reflection of you were with the whole time 😭😂
    love u honey boo boo

  2. Love the vlog, just be careful when looking into places (especially the ones you do like) when showing the outside or street areas around. People these days are able to find out your location just by the video and surroundings!

  3. 7:58 if you up for compromising and/or trying: get you one of em filtering pitchers (¿? Like the Brita, pH, alkaline category ¿?) That way u always getting water that ~good and good for you~ since sometimes tap water ain't shit quality wise

  4. HONESTLY love the apartment hunting vlogs 🥹 throughout the years watching your channel, watching these videos makes me feel like I’m right on the adventure with you! ☺️ Moving into a new place can be exciting, it’s a new chapter! Wishing you all the best and so many blessings for finding a new apartment 🌟🌟🌟

    Also side note, love the energy from your bro in this vid 👯‍♀️✨ love that you guys are seeing each other again 💕

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