How To Build Safe, Quality Backlinks That Get Results According To Expert Link Builder Jason Malone

Today’s guest on the Niche Pursuits podcast is Jason Malone from the popular link-building agency ‘We Outreach.’ Jason first got …


  1. topic suggestions (1) how to protect customer privacy if you are managing email lists that contain names, addresses, and phone numbers of customers. and should you get insurance. (2) should you set up an overall LLC or S corporation (e.g. ACME LLC), one business license, and one business bank account, under which all your various niche sites and products fall. for example, i have 100 products on Shopify and i have 10 niche sites. each of the niche sites contains 10 products from my shopify store that are relevant to that niche. should i have one Shopify site that is simply be under ACME LLC. not sure i am relating this clearly but hopefully you get the idea. there is a whole 'do this first' business angle that people should probably be aware of before they ever publish their first niche site

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