How To: Using Hemp Oil & Beeswax | Fusion™ Mineral Paint

Learn how to give your favourite surfaces some shine with our Hemp Oil & Beeswax Finishes! These food-safe, chemical-free …


  1. If I use the hemp oil and beeswax, do I need to do anything specific (remove the beeswax) before I add more hemp oil in the future? How do I know if I should add more hemp oil or if I should add a new coat of beeswax?

  2. I am new to Fusion Mineral Paint products. Is there ever a time you'd apply hemp oil over Fusion Mineral Paint? or apply beeswax over paint? I apologize for "beginner" questions but want to apply products correctly.

  3. I have quite a few antique pieces of furniture, a rocking chair, and my grandmother's antique marble top dresser. Both are probably about 60 years plus. They haven't been taken care of in a while and am looking to make them shine and beautiful again. Would you recommend using both the hemp oil and the wax? Thanks so much! 🙂

  4. Well done, quality video! Would using the beeswax on wood floors that have been sealed with hemp oil help add extra protection to the floors, as well as add a sheen? It's my understanding that hemp oil will leave a matte finish, correct? Is it a bad idea for some reason to put beeswax on floors? Thank you!

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