How To & When To: THC Tinctures | Discover Marijuana

Cannabis medicine comes in a variety of forms, and the tincture is one of our favorites! Tinctures are liquids containing herbal …


  1. I'm attempting to get my partner off vaping . Hes an old school pot head and it's time to give the lungs a break. I use gummies, but he has not found any that are enough for him.
    He wants the stoney effect, so this wouldn't work for him.

  2. I need to try that 1:5 tincture for pain and inflammation on my lungs was a heavy bud smoker and had to stop due to my lung collapsing. I do miss mrs.Mary though 😔

  3. I have a 200mg THC tincture that I got from my friendly dispensary but I used .50ml on each sour patch kid gummy.. (Roughly 10mg each) and I took 2. Well.. 2 hours later still feel no effect. What am I doing wrong? Pls help

  4. THIS VIDEO IS A LIFE SAVER! I keep trying to find simple easy to understand information on how to properly dose tinctures and how to properly take them sublingually, and everyone on the internet has a video of them trying a different form of edible product, and they don't really go into it trying to dial in on a proper dosage. All the videos I've seen, people just eat an entire bag of edibles or drink a whole 200mg thc tincture in one sitting. There's nothing informative about that, you're just watching someone get high for fun. They approach cannabis products like food youtubers review new menu items at their favorite fast food place. Medicine doesn't work like that lol.

    This was actually incredibly informative and helped to ease some of my concerns with whether or not I was even using my medication properly.

  5. Thank you for making this video! I'm trying to help my husband understand cannabis (THC/CBD etc) for medical use and ease him in to the idea. Currently, he has a very negative outlook, but it's all based off of fear-mongering from his strict upbringing. I don't want to be on the harmful meds I'm using now and he wants me to quit those too because of the risks from longterm use, but he refuses to acknowledge cannabis as a valid alternative treatment plan :/ I'm hoping your videos will ease his mind!! <3

  6. I use the Zion 1:1 and I use it for pain. I did have to be really patient and almost keep a journal when I was dialing in my dose. It’s absolutely worth your time. If you are used to the head change with other routes, I totally agree with Blake. You’re not going to get that. It’s about the absence of whatever you are taking the tincture for. It’s perfect for daily usage that won’t make you feel like you can’t do daily tasks.

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