MAHSA International Pharmacy (MI-PHARM) Conference 2022

Join us in the Opening Ceremony of Mi-Pharm 2022 with the theme: Use of Psychoactive: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

1 Comment

  1. Just got info about this conference from facebook, i miss it sadly. . I really want to share something big about psychoactive plants. There are lot of psychoactive plants other than Cannabis that we can talk about. How can i meet Tun Zaki or someone that i can talk and sharing imformation, knowledge and idea. I doing lot of researches through reading, sharing info and searching others plant, that grow naturally in our country. Psychoactive plant can bring big good change to our community and can be tool for medicine, since there are gift from nature it self, not only Cannabis. Iam really proud that Mahsa Uni. can held this conference. Big respect from me❤️

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