Market Crash – Is Now The Time To Stack Silver? (Black Monday Warning)

The REAL Reason To Stack Gold & Silver ▻ It may be tempting to stack gold …


  1. I do think the market and things for paper market and demend and what to come is a down trend to 15-12 an ounce what kitco predicited I think it was . for now it going to be bullish twill things sharpen or return to a norm or we just barter it in decay and ruins of a left aftermath. But if you buy silver to some that what it is. Not a dollar to back ratio and it insane to some degree to even considering selling it at 100-500 an ounce rober kioyski cuz that dollar is translating to inflation lost value and the commodities make it mute or pretty damn near non gains and non plays. Even with these moves where does it play. Now it a good trade off and value and was protection. But it just a mute term to market and commodities and market else where . but it is a pinch and savings. Almost like taxes than gas tax and end it and not pay for roads or teachers anymore or all that debt. We can abolished the irs again by the same game they played.

  2. Yes good to have some dry powder (cash available) but also have to weigh the kind of items you're thinking of buying. If they're not super abundant they may sell out before the price gets even lower – – or the seller may raise the premium as the price goes down. On the other hand if one is just buying generic it probably doesn't hurt to wait although the dollar cost average principle is worth considering too. Doesn't make much sense to just dollar cost average when prices are high! But again all depends how much money coming in vs how much one is thinking of putting into metal. And then again one wants to have something available for stock buys beyond metal as well, in keeping with the principle of not having all eggs in one basket. My conclusion is to buy a little as finances permit while also trying to build up more of that 'dry powder'. To that end it's probably worth getting familiar with stocks (funds) that short the major indexes since that kind of investing gives opportunity to profit off poor stock market performance.

  3. HI Gd day , im a rookie in this game an im just a month into my silver an gold ect long investment savings is my end goal only buying physical presious metals.. So Thank you for the advice and knowledge …all is greatly appriciated … RESPECT ! from ( Steve ) Oshawa , Ontario, Canada !!

  4. Buy the dip. The more it drops, the more I buy. I want 1000 ounces by Christmas and started with 0 in August after selling my whole stack in 2011. The difference between PM and stocks is we get something physical, and they won't go out of business. I do invest in the stock market as well but precious metals are my preferred long time play at the moment.

  5. I suspect the market will drop by $500 a day down to 25,000 . . . and then the bottom will fall out like it did is 2008. This is all planned to bankrupt people and hustle in the Great Reset.

  6. If your stacking for the long term and truly believe precious metals are undervalued, what difference will it make if you buy now vs waiting? Based upon historical factors alone, silver is highly under valued. Not to mention the industrial need which only further adds to it's value. Taking inflated US fiat currency and buying undervalued silver is a perfect investment storm. I'd rather be prepared years early than be even one day late! Stack on my friends!

  7. He who hesitates is lost…In my opinion holding gold and silver is the only answer, and people are seeing it…I see a large up tick on gold and silver very soon.

  8. It's abundantly clear they know a hard Landing is coming and with the green energy policies and various other things just throwing energy cost. This is going to be a bad time. We have Insanity in government High fuel costs which are the primary cause of inflation past their printing of money. You have these green energy idiots who are content to throw us all into poverty so they can say we have electric cars. Meanwhile everything from a plastic Bowl do anything made with oil is insanely expensive and will continue to be expensive regardless of the FED destroying our economy. I travel the country and I see tents up everywhere and every major city. The numbers of homeless have gone exponential since this government took over. It is quite obviously going to be bad times ahead for precious metals probably for a couple years. But on the opposite end if you happen to have any money to buy any this will be a good buying time

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