1. Former SAD AMERICAN DIET eater that got unhealthy switched to vegetarian kept getting unhealthier so ended up doing meat based keto and started feeling better within a few weeks. After a year of keto was feeling great, health much much better. Switched to about 80 to 90% animal based foods diet, grass-fed beef, eggs, butter, salmon, bacon, lamb, and some fermented foods, arugula, onion, garlic and wild berries. Feeling Fantastic on this way of eating, blood work is also very good now. 👍

  2. Did i miss the evolutionary canine teeth growing event? You know like animals have as they are carnivores and they need to rip meat, yep seems humans don't have canine teeth strange huh? But i will tell you what i didn't miss, why is mister super healthy carnivore out of breath and sweating like a pig? Seems to have inflammation in his face too.

  3. First the guy is not a medical expert, and second anyone who is brainwashed into thinking we are only supposed to eat meat for health is a lunatic.

  4. I eat beef, sardines, salmon, eggs, liver, coconut, avocado and one lemon per day. My joints burn like crazy when I eat most plant foods and I realized it was from oxalates in plants. Soy makes me itchy and breakout, grains and legumes make me bloated and constipated. I will continue to eat what my body feels good with so mostly carnivorish for me.

  5. I just checked Paul's site out and his intro sucks. He us a hard core Carnivore – he figures that all plants are basically toxic. I figure he has zero idea what he is talking about and he has no right to speak foe everybody on this planet.

  6. Now nearly three years on low carb and keto… Ect, low sugar, no seed oils.
    Waiting till the government forbids to eat meat completely. And make people pay for it in any Form you can imagine. As they were fooled with seed oil companies

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