My Dog is Having a Seizure | Seizures in Dogs

What to do and how to help if a dog is having a seizure. Brought to you by Emma Hammett from First Aid for Life. Subscribe here: …


  1. But seizures aren't just a matter of oxygen….they're an electrical malfunction in the brain, sometimes from a fever. I didn't think this video really explained this well or aftercare. Not everyone has thousands of dollars to run to their vet for a look over.

  2. What if your vet won’t take a payment plan 😢 sitting here watching my 11 year old black lab have seizures for a week now tried every home remedy and looking on Amazon.

  3. My dog has had a few seizures now, either in the morning when I let her outside or when she's falling asleep. When she's having a night one, she cries out like she's in distress. Her body freezes up, almost like she's died. The one last night was scary since I was able to get her up but she was out of it and she had peed herself. They are irregular when they occur, I've had her for about one year now and have seen her have four total lasting a couple of minutes each.

  4. Thank you. This was very helpful. My dog had a seizure for the first time ever today and I didn’t know what to do. I panicked and thought he was dying. I rushed my puggle to the vet afterwards. His name is Ragnar. He is doing good now. It was the scariest experience. My dog is my world. I pray it doesn’t happen again, but if it does I will take your advice. Thank you!!!💕

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