SEIZE & DESTROY: SC farmer sues SLED, others alleging conspiracy to arrest him, destroy his crop

MONDAY NIGHT AT 10: A South Carolina farmer strikes back, accusing the SC Law Enforcement Division of ignoring warnings to …


  1. Keel needs to be arrested for conspiracy. And when his ass is in Prison Keel will be socked up daily I hope. He uses his station to arrest innocent people a little prick with a mustache.

  2. πŸ’₯ This really rusts my 20" cast iron pan. πŸ’₯🍳πŸ₯“


    If we must get permission to grow plants & food?! Our ANCESTORS signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, fought, bleed, suffered and died for OUR RIGHTS GIVEN BY GOD, for freedom from kings, taxes, government tyranny etc?! Tyrants crept in. We must dissolve the witches by a thousand legal paper cuts and ballots. Stand. Convert them. Pray for wisdom & faith just like our founders.

    This goes for the Amish getting raided for selling fresh milk without the big ag processing. This is not only their body their choice, but freedom of religion, and just ridiculous.
    We already pay taxes on our homes which means we never fully own them ever. Don't believe me? Get behind on your taxes and they'll steal your property.

    The government answers to us, not the other way around.

    Public servants… which I thought when young… were volunteers bearing the burdens of their community and living to advocate for them… I wondered how they looked rich but had no job. I thought they must have work from home accounting jobs or something.
    But no.. They actually get rich and are often in the position just for the pay. No way. No.
    Our founders never intended public servants to make money off us.
    Public service implies volunteer work… You know… For free.

    Let's get this crap fixed. Stop paying public servants. We can vote on a stipend if we vote for that even… But I suggest public servants getting a stipend no more than the average poorest in their district. What a great motivator to fix the local economy and end poverty and homelessness!!!!

    If we end the unconstitutional funding of these career politicians…. We would have only those who are willing to suffer a little for their community instead of pillaging it!!!

    Might I suggest taking all financial activity away from pacs and lobbies or make them illegal, they blackmail, bribe and comprise our PUBLIC SERVANTS making our VOICE 2 NO EFFECT which FORCES protests just 2b heard by those PAID 2 REPRESENT US!

    #ConstitutionalGovernance #NoPatriotAct
    and make it illegal to affiliate or represent the world economic forum or another county by being a dual citizen. Run out all WEF INFILTRATORS

    πŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’₯πŸ’ͺπŸ€ πŸ‘πŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    Grow your own victory garden, none are too small or too large! πŸ’₯πŸ’―πŸŒΎπŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸ₯€πŸžπŸπŸŒ»πŸƒπŸŒ±πŸ‰πŸŽπŸ₯πŸ…πŸ₯₯πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¬πŸ„πŸ§…πŸ§„πŸŒ½πŸ₯•πŸ₯”πŸ†πŸžπŸ₯œπŸ₯’πŸ‹πŸŠπŸ
    Love your neighbor and bear one another's burdens joyfully, especially in these hard times. We need each other. We need YOU.
    ❣️πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘β£οΈπŸ’ͺπŸ€ πŸ‘β£οΈ

  3. Waste of government resources. SLED IS A JOKE.
    Harassing a farmer over a legal grow they let him start. Legalize it 21+.

    If SC was smart they would Tax and Regulate medicinal Hemp/Cannabis 21+ only.

  4. It’s RICO time!

    Racketeering becomes a criminal offense when it is committed as part of organized crime. Some of the types of actions that include organized crime include the following:

    Illegal action committed by a group of people
    Illegal action committed by three or more individuals
    Illegal action committed to benefit a specific group

  5. No Matter who is in Charge… the People Lose! Cut the Government to win again!

    The Government Party… Yee Haw… Where did all the money go? Where did my Standard of Living Go? Phoof… just like your "Rights" they are GONE!

    The Government, Cops, 3 Letter Agencies, MSM, Big Tech all hate Cameras, Truth, Transparency, Accountability, Dogs, the Bill of Rights, and Citizens!

    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government! They steal your Privacy, Freedom, Liberty, money, property, dignity, and your future!

    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL!

    Wake Up Sheeple… you are not Free! It is all an Illusion to keep you under control! That should make you so proud… stand up tall and march down Main Street Waving Old Glory and singing the Star Spangled Banner! Baaa Baaa Baaa

    According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!

    The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN!

    The Government hates Free Thinking & Critical Thinking! Back the Blue and get your Beating Too!

    The Cops/Government has a POLICY and NO Accountability… You pesky citizens have the LAWS and Just-Us!

    Has anyone else noticed… every time the Government passes a Law… the People Lose their Quality of Life, Money, Privacy, Liberty, and Rights while the Ruling Masters become wealthier?

    Ronald Reagan – We Don’t have inflation because We are living too well. We have it because the Government is living too well.

    When does the US Constitution and Bill of Rights Kick in? Where is the Accountability? When do I get the FREEDOM? When will the Government leave me alone and take their hands out of my pocket?

  6. Well, hemp isn't marijuana. Hemp is used for oil and fiber. Marijuana is used for making people stupid.

    From an outside observer, IMO the raid was used as a pretext to asset forfeiture. All of the underhanded collusion between the agencies wasn't a mistake but a group effort.

    I'd love to see the sheriff in charge of SLED have to answer to the judge that turned down the search warrant and the destruction of this farmers crop.

    I've seen a few other of Jody's investigations involving the same sheriff, and if he looks like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, clams up and refuses to answer questions. Well, he's going to have a chance to plead the 5th soon enough.

  7. How much corruption is too much? This story, sadly, isn't surprising anymore in these United States. Law enforcement officials have far outgrown there duties. Since when does a sheriff.. a police officer etc get to decide if a law is good or not. Right there in their title, law enforcement, says it all. Enforcement LAWS.. it doesn't mention to pick and choose. This story is just 1 of many. Watching sites like yours and Direct D, James Freeman, Big Nick et all have truly opened my eyes to the rampant destruction of what a civilized society doesn't need in law enforcement. Cops have become akin to the British in 1776. The founding fathers enacted a bill of rights and its now the cops we need those protections from the most.

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