Should Cannabis be Class A? | 'This many people getting high is a new low for Britain' | Mark Dolan

Mark Dolan: ‘The illegal trade in narcotics fuels gang crime, it hurts families, impacts mental and physical health as well as …


  1. i have to say this guy is a bit of an idiot…he's spouting the same propaganda that has always been said. Cigarette, alcohol and even caffeine are drugs….and these product are sold everywhere…even food can be considered a drug when you see people who are overweight and it being the third biggest killer. Legalization, regulation, control are always better than leaving it for the black market to decide. And lets not forget the medical benefits cannabis can bring to the sick….there are even studies that show it can kill cancer,…..KILL CANCER…that is the making of a possible cure for cancer….with legalization this could become a reality

  2. Bloody hell, what an awful take. Lots of points you made there would be solved by legalising cannabis – particularly issues around skunk and the proliferation of the drug trade. Id recommend watching CosmicSkeptik's video on this.

  3. Alcohol is much much worse but yeh lets fight a plant use are so out of touch its unbelievable. Cannabis has so many good uses for health. Cannabis is not a gate way drug u might want to say Alcohol is a gate way drug getting blazing drunk not known wot your doing or taking while drunk wot health benefits does Alcohol have? Alcohol ruins families ruins ur own life increases heart brain liver damage. So if Cannabis is class A Alcohol should be the same

  4. You would have thought that sensible people might just look at the experiment 100 years ago that was the Volstead Act. Ever heard of Al Capone? Well we have the equivalent knifing each other day after day and shooting little and not so little girls who get caught in the crossfire. If people want to kill themselves with overdoses, so be it. Why are alcoholics different? If drugs were legalised and controlled, burglaries and muggings would plummet and the gangs would have to find other employment. Hopefully less competative and lucrative.

  5. This is a clear attempt to protect the evil drinks industry as between 40 and 50% of Britons and smoke cannabis and take related products as a healthier alternative too alcohol which has been clinically and medically proven as fact let's not forget many politicians and retired official etc have large shares in pub chains has the authorities and police medical board etc deliberately try to mislead brainwash the public compared to the poison of alcohol which kills over 2 million people each year cannabis and related products have been proven to be far less harmful than alcohol. Do gooders should look in the Oxford English Dictionary for the definition of the word drug which alcohol does come under the rules and laws in respect of cannabis are arrogant ignorant and childish the British public should not be so gullible to allow themselves to be misled and deceived buy this expletive dishonest and corrupt system we are all unfortunate enough to live under..

  6. Lmao… but its not as harmful as coke or crack though is it 😆 now if you wanted to compare smoking cannabis to drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes I'd give you that. But as dangerous as crack? Come on now.

  7. I got kicked out my bungalow for two plants I used for health reasons. Death from prescription drugs decreased after cannabis legalised in USA. I can see here the corporation's are going to control media and political decisions. GB news just lost some respect on this one you are wrong, some people are sick, some people can't leave house for multiple reasons. Cannabis makes their lives bearable.

  8. let me see Deaths from smoking weed mmmmm Deaths from obesity and alcohol Consumption also lets not forget that alcohol can also encourage people to kick the life out of an innocent bystander

  9. Excllent comments Mark, could not agree more.
    Sadly the chances of this suggestion coming to pass are minimal, there has been no war on drugs to speak of how do they hope to stop the Titanic when its already multi holed below the water line.

  10. And while I'm here I want you to know I live in Scotland and last week I was charged with hate speech regarding transexual pedos going into schools and brainwashing the the infants ,I'm now awaiting my court date,,,,edit,I welcome an interview if you want my story

  11. Nope ,I can't do it I've resubbed because essentially I agree with most of what you guys say ,the stance on cannabis is ridiculous though as there is more than enough evidence of it being a healer and actually benefits peoples wellbeing ,get rid of the weed and bring back hashish

  12. See the comments section shows the reality of the UK no one wants cannabis criminalised no matter who many lies are told by the media then again look at the disaster we have as a pm get the idiot out

  13. I wonder what's going on at GBNews right now. If cannabis should be classed the same as crack because it "diminishes lives", then so should alcohol.

    Are you trying to get the blue rinse brigade interested? Or are you deliberately just trying to annoy sections of your viewership with nonsense like this?

  14. I've been with you guys from the start ,unsubbed ,fuck you ,I've damaged vertebrae and lost one of my balls and cannabis makes it possible to continue a normal life,you people are insane to think this is the way to go

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