The Best Sleep Aids for Deeper, More Restful Sleep

A Deep Dive Into the 13 Most Popular Sleep Aids in 2022

Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or finding time to sleep, there are a bevy of sleep aid options to make bedtime feel less like a chore and more like a fundamental component of daily life (because, surprise, it is).

But with so many medications and supplements to choose from, both prescription and over-the-counter, the process of finding the perfect pill can, for lack of a better term, keep you up at night.

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We’ve rounded up 13 of the most popular sleep aids on the market so you can meet with a physician armed with a bit of background information prior to your appointment

Editor’s note: Never experiment with a new drug without a doctor’s consent. Most of these sleep aids can be habit-forming and extremely dangerous (or even lethal) if taken in excess or combined with other medications. And while many will help you fall or stay asleep, they can linger in your bloodstream after waking up, making simple tasks like driving or operating heavy machinery absolutely off-limits due to grogginess and delayed motor skills. It is also in your best interest to determine if there are any underlying health issues like apnea that may be contributing to insomnia in a very serious way. Please seek the advice of a medical professional before integrating anything new into your bedtime routine.

Prescription Sleep Aids

Antidepressants: A more consistent option is to go on a daily antidepressant that will balance your emotions and lessen spikes in more extreme behaviors. Trazodone, in particular, has proven to be quite effective at treating anxiety-induced sleeplessness, while also increasing mood-lifting serotonin throughout the day.

Benzodiazepines: These are your anti-anxiety medications like Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium that temporarily target bouts of stress or nerves. They provide a sedative-like effect, but should be used with caution as symptoms of drowsiness and dizziness can kick in almost immediately and last several hours upon waking (almost like a hangover). These are also some of the most abused drugs on the market, as many users can easily become addicted. Take with caution.

Ambien: Ambien and its sister drugs, Edluar and Intermezzo, are zolpidems that assist those who struggle with falling asleep. Because the medication stays in your bloodstream a lot longer than other alternatives, it is important to dedicate at least 7-8 hours to sleeping so that it can wear away faster and allow you to go about your day. Be advised that there have also been quite a few cases of sleepwalking reported while taking it.

Lunesta: Like Ambien, Lunesta (eszopiclone), is also prescribed for those who have difficulty falling asleep. The drug binds to the brain’s GABA receptors (which reduce nerve impulses) and calms a person almost immediately.

Silenor: If you’re struggling to stay asleep, Silenor (doxepine) may be the option for you by blocking histamine receptors that keep you alert.

Dayvigo: Combo sleepers who can’t fall and stay asleep may find solace in Dayvigo, (emborexant) which depresses the central nervous system’s hormone, orexin, that sends wake signals to part of the brain. In summation: It promotes drowsiness instead of blocking wakefulness.

Belsomra: This sleep aid (suvorexant) mirrors the effects of Dayvigo, but has proven to be more consistent in making patients stay asleep.

Sonata: Sonata (zaleplon) isn’t for everyone, due to its short release time, but if you’re experiencing difficulty falling asleep, it may just be the quick remedy you need to have you nod off.

Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids

Melatonin: Your body naturally produces the hormone, especially in dark environments, to encourage drowsiness-induced sleep. Taking it as a supplement has been proven to make you more tired at bedtime, however, too much of it can have the opposite effect by disrupting your normal circadian rhythm. Be sure to limit its frequency and/or dosage.

Antihistamines: Diphenhydramine and doxylamine are the dynamic drowsiness duo found in products like Benadryl and Unisom, respectively. While these are typically used to treat symptoms of allergic reactions and colds (sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.), they also have a sleepy effect. Beware of the infamous post-antihistamine hangover, though, which can feel like you’ve just hiked a really tall mountain or got punched in the face (no joke).

Valerian: Researchers aren’t entirely sure how the flowering root contributes to better sleep, but the all-natural remedy has become increasingly popular as a treatment for anxiety and insomnia and the science proves it.

Magnesium: While melatonin helps people fall asleep, magnesium helps people to stay asleep and can even reduce the stress and symptoms of restless leg syndrome. It is important to first determine whether or not you’re deficient in the mineral by having a physician conduct a blood or urine test.

CBD and Indica: CBD, short for cannabidiol, is derived from the hemp plant and doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana. Indica, which remains illegal in many states, is a strain of marijuana that contains THC and, when consumed, causes a deep state of relaxation. Growing evidence has shown that CBD can help to alleviate symptoms of insomnia, but more testing (and legalization) must be completed on actual marijuana before indica gets any type of medical seal of approval.

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