The Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on the Brain & Body | Huberman Lab Podcast #92

In this episode, I discuss cannabis (aka marijuana), including the biological mechanisms underlying its effects on the mind and …


  1. Why are you recommending supplements when they are known to increase risk of cancer and a slew of longer term health issues? Paul Offit wrote several books on this. You might wanna consider the data behind supplements vs how your body responds to getting sources of nutrients/vitamins through breaking down food.

  2. Wonderful and detailed lecture. As a psychiatrist I have been alarmed at the rise of cannabis use and it's increasing acceptance as being safe. Although I don't treat adolescents I am always trying to make my adult patients who have adolescent children aware of the links between early MJ use and development of psychosis, especially in genetically susceptible individuals. Most people are shocked when I discuss the studies. This presentation is very thorough and sheds light on the good, the bad and ugly about MJ use so that people can make INFORMED decisions about their lifestyle choices. Dr Huberman is doing a great service by analyzing the data and presenting a comprehensive and coherent picture of the effects of mj on the body. This information should be shared!!!

  3. I want to hear about CBD/CBN. I take this to sleep. Full spectrum gummies with 5% thc the rest CBN. Hate pharma so got off Temazepam after 5 years of taking for sleep. Got severe reflux from temazepam. Had to find this out by process of elimination on my own . Never have smoked anything including weed ever. Don’t drink or take any drugs at all. Just started CBN within last 8 mos for sleep. I’ve had insomnia my whole adult life.

  4. If you look at the Five Factor Model of Personality, "Openness to experience" is one of the five domains of personality. I think that it would be interesting to see if the "openness" factor is a result of the cannabis or is integral to that person's personality prior to cannabis use.

  5. Anxious after smoking to much marijuana? Will anything to much can become a problem, just like eating to much junk food can make your blood pressure high to diabetes and so on. Fix your mental so you can get back to be balance with nature. If anxious come back after smoking a joint use a 13% cbd to 1% thc and smoke you should feel better after it, or use peppermint or smell black pepper you should feel relaxed 😎. “Anything in this life is a addiction” — Me

  6. I'm coming in with the persepective of someone who works in the cannabis industry with 20 years of knowledge backing me. I have even gone as far as working with doctors, other medical professionals, chemists, and even physicists. My comment has not been allowed to post after several attempts for whatever reason. There is much more that needs to be said on this topic and many facts that are missed. If anyone is interested in those please let me know and I'll be happy to share them with you directly.

  7. Wow there are so many negative comments here about how people are so happy they quit, thanking God for taking them off of the drug, and slowly transgressing into shaming people for their life choices of consuming this drug, and even telling people to consider other options when they know nothing about that persons life. However, it’s not until very late in the video that Dr. huberman talks about the negative effects. I think society as a whole just loves to be very pessimistic about things that they think they should be negative about. If cannabis doesn’t work for you, then don’t take it. However don’t thump your religious text or tell other people what to do with their life, just because YOU had a bad experience.

    I find that this was a good video however you kinda skimmed over schizophrenia and psychosis which is quite alarming. At one point in everyone’s lives, we have had depression and anxiety to some extent, but as soon as you reach into the disorders as serious as psychosis and schizophrenia, this is quite alarming and I would certainly like more explanation on this as it is not right you make such frightening claims associating this with cannabis but no further explanation. Also as soon as you start diving into the negative effects, all of a sudden the “multiple studies” now turn into just one study or, rather, you don’t mealntion the word “study” at all. Is this more video biased than fact? I’m still going to take this video with a grain of salt because the thing about the cannabinoid system in the body is that no two systems react the same to CBD or THC, just like no two snowflakes are the same. With this being said, I agree that no one that’s pregnant or under 25 (not 21) should not consume cannabis. However this video can be edited a LOT in 5-10 years due to legality issues (some laboratories will refuse to study because of this), or increased usage, or stress because of inflation, Covid and recent times, etc

  8. The withdrawals of cannabis THC are horrendous, especially if you used it as a form of medication. My ADHD, anxiety, suicide thoughts and depression were thru the roof the first couple months – plus in menopause. I started taking CBD 50-100 mg/day – works sometimes, not every day. It's an every hour of every day journey. Some herbs I've found that help – holy basil, ashwagandha, maca root, red raspberry leaf. You really have to have a plan, motivation, and support to go off it permanently. Yesterday, I found two 10mg THC gummies in the junk drawer and swallowed them up so fast 🙁

  9. I think the doc has done a through job of researching the data uncovered or produced by biased groups, both government and civilian backed doctors, scientists, and media. Not that you wanted biased sources, it's that most accepted, peer reviewed, information comes from those sources. To shorten this, I just don't think there was a big incentive to accentuate the good qualities of this wonderful plant, put here with many others to help humanity. If it had been treated with due respect I don't think it would be as abused as it is now. It is nature's medicine for the mind and body as well.

  10. weed is like speed to me. i get creative and cruise at 100 for hours. if not controlled, it does dumb you down after awhile. i did use it for school to study longer as i am paralyzed and have bad spasms. best anti-inflammatory in my option.. and i'm on Lyrica and Baclophen. yet, i think it should be used as a tool, not to just ride the couch.

  11. Super nice talk and a lot of good information! But about Cannabis strains, i have to ask; what about the facts that Indica and sativa have the same genetics? and what about the facts that even chemical differences do not exist? my people think it is misleading if someone is categorizing in Sativa and Indica, because it depends only on the plant itself (same for people). There are plants from same strain that due to your categorization were one Sativa and the other one Indica, only because of different growing and environment.

  12. I have endometriosis and although I’ve had surgery for it, I have a hormonal iud, I take oral contraceptives for hormones
 I still experience extreme pain 15 days a month. I use edibles on and off during that time. It definitely makes me a little anxious but I use very low doses (5mg) at a time and it helps me have the ability to exercise and also enjoy life. I wish I didn’t have to take pain killers or edibles. I wish i didn’t have this problem.

  13. You never mention the fact that kids that start smoking early have most likely a situation at home that would inevitably put them at risk for a psychosis later on in life. …absent parents, divorced or abusive parents….etc.. for me the problems with addiction always blanket a deeper issue. If the issue is addressed then the need for substance will decrease as well.

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