The tour against Marijuana Issue 4 arrives in Camden, Arkansas

CAMDEN, ARK. (KTVE/KARD) —  Family Council Action Committee spokesman, Luke McCoy, spoke in Camden, Ark. on Monday, October 17, 2022, as part of a statewide, 26-city leadership tour against Marijuana Issue 4 in Arkansas. Issue 4 would legalize recreational Marijuana in Arkansas and would allow for the possession, personal use, and consumption of Cannabis by adults. If passed, the Issue would allow only licensed commercial facilities to cultivate and sell it.

Family Council Action Committee is a conservative public policy organization out of Little Rock, Ark. On this leadership tour, the group presents reasons why they think Issue 4 should not be passed.

McCoy released a statement saying, “If Issue 4 passes, parents and children will have to breathe secondhand marijuana smoke when they walk down the sidewalk or go to the park. Marijuana will be legal anywhere that tobacco is legal. Business owners who don’t even live here will make a profit turning Arkansans into drug addicts. Issue 4 does not say a word about how marijuana will be tested to ensure that it has not been laced with deadly drugs like fentanyl. There are no safeguards to prevent marijuana from being grown and sold illegally on the black market. This amendment will devastate our communities. We are urging voters to vote against Issue 4. Arkansans need to understand just how bad this marijuana amendment is before they head to the polls.”

He ended his statement by urging Arkansans to vote against Issue 4 in the upcoming polls and said, “Our state simply does not need another drug problem.”

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