1. I feel bad for Ned's wife and his family. That's it. The rest of the Try Guys and their fans are being overdramatic. Jesus, it's a fucking YouTube channel! Just watch something else!

  2. I am rewatching this and Keith looks like the dad holding his family together. Eugene is like the eldest brother who is still mad and Zack is like the youngest brother who is about to cry. I watched the Podcast episode where they explained that they are tired and I watched old videos and I am disappointed and upset.

  3. Sad thing is, it's that I seen something like this happening years ago…. Ned's BEEN self centered….. You'll get support from us probably even more now that he's gone tbh. You'll get through this

  4. I got to put it out there. I never liked Ned much, he was my least favourite try guy. From the beginning I knew something was off about him. I haven't followed the try guys for a while but they were such a big part of my teenage years and I hold the remaining 3 in utmost respect.

  5. So Ned was a stud and fucking some woman and I am supposed to care? Like yeah its bad, but I really just don't care about some online personalities personal life. Parasocial relationship viewers have that make them think that some random guy being a jerk online somehow affects them as if they were betrayed, naw you don't know any of these people. Also the dude on the left disgusts me.

  6. Talk about overreaction!!!! The woman was of age right. He's no pedo right???
    I don't really follow these guys, but why is Ned's private life and marriage any part of these guy's business lives??? So every time they make a bad decision or have an affair, they will cut the entire history of that person out of the videos and cry and freak out. I'm confused how his affair is legally applicable to their company. Why cut him off because he made a bad moral decision??? WTF?

  7. I hope Ariel gets the support she needs. I hope Ned learns from his mistakes. And I hope that the Try Guys can come out the other side of this making new memories. ā¤šŸ™šŸ»

  8. So Ned used his position to manipulate the woman (an employee way below him) into having an affair with him. Taking advantage of a vulnerable woman. Thatā€™s disgusting. Why were they even friends with him in the first placeā€¦

  9. Zach seems so sad and heartbroken and Keith seems like.. second hand embarrassed and protective over the group, and Eugene feels like heā€™s been expecting Ned to f*ck up for a minute. Eugene seems like the friend thatā€™s always smelling someoneā€™s BS immediately.

  10. Honestly this is just so sad for not only these 3 men who were hurt and put in THE MOST uncomfortable position by their best friend not only professionally, but also personally considering their wives are friends with eachother. With an EMPLOYEE that their fan base knows no less. Even the guys who seem ā€œniceā€ end up being pigs. Shame on him, shame on her, and poor Ariel and her children. This is just SO insanely disappointing. It never ceases to amaze me how some people are willing to burn their whole lives to the ground, taking everyone else with them just because theyā€™re letting their šŸ† do the thinking for them. I know you said keep it kind, but itā€™s very hard to. This is such blatant disrespect to everyone involved. Ever since you guys left Buzzfeed I always thought that Chris Reinacher should have been the 4th Try Guy instead of Ned. This honestly just goes against everything you guys represent, and Iā€™m glad you took the actions you did. I am however, sad that an entire family with children has now lost their income because of a series of disgustingly stupid decisions by two people. All you have to do in life is try to be a kind, and decent person. Is it really THAT hard?? SMH.

    *Edited to add that once again, I am so sorry for the 3 of you who lost a good friend and have to go through all this uncomfortableness and legal crap. Keeping Ariel and the boys in my thoughts. I just canā€™t even imagine what it must be like for her right now. šŸ’•

  11. Why donā€™t you ā€œTryā€ to forgive the guy and not act like he murdered someone. Seriously, he just kissed a girl. People make mistakes all the time. As wrong as cheating is. losing your career, friends, and maybe marriage are definitely on the heavier side of the consequences. And then having you guys put out this video to save your brand seems silly and borderline virtue signaling. Iā€™m sure all three of you have done worse than kiss a girl when your with someone else. You act like he was caught doing something much more wrong than what he did.

  12. Guess the SNL skit worked- comments all went from being supportive and (deservedly) pointing out how awesome the transparency and accountability isā€¦. To a bunch of people making fun of this and saying itā€™s not a big deal. So frustrating.

  13. I hace so much respect for the way you guys have handled this and how you chose not to brush it under the rug. You didnā€™t take the easy way out. Much love to you guys and the families affected by Nedā€™s choice.

  14. Eugeneā€™s rage and frustration is EXTREMELY apparent. They lost someone they held dearest to them, built a company with, created a TV show with, created documentary with, put on shows with, created so many memories with, was vulnerable with, and trusted with such a high power in their company, just to end up cheated on his wife and kids with a coworker, who was already in a relationship and had gotten engaged.

    We are with you guys, we appreciate everything you do. Wishing the best. <3

  15. You know how in anime characters can sense bloodlust from others. That's how it feels watching Eugene. You can physically sense that bloodlust through the screen that's how mad he is

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