1. what the brilliant people of Arkansas are saying today is that they would rather the lower classes be drunk when they get into domestic disputes, than high.
    That's a syndrome, I think.

  2. I use to live in Arkansas for 5 years…i moved to Maryland to be closer to family….i have a drivers license still valid in arkansas as well as a maryland license…and I was really considering going back to arlansas because lower cost of living and rent/mortgage (independence)…but I just see more things happening for the better in states like maryland…red states are becoming more like old retirement 1950s states…soon as a thunderstorm rolls thru arkansas…power goes out with entergy….i wouldnt be surprised if they have same power grid as civil war.

  3. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every single state now and make it the law of the land across America. Just like alcohol. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't continue to stubbornly obstruct and prevent legalization within their individual home states, against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support the full federal legalization of cannabis nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Completely legal in all states across the entire U.S.A. Just like alcohol.

  4. We are going to end up being the poorest country on the map our government is screwing everyone over with the childish games they're playing with us we're already in short need of food and other items and now they're doing this do y'all realize how many people are going to go insane they think they would have made people mad by giving us the right to do with our bodies what we want wait till people realize that they played games with us again there's going to be so much chaos I guarantee you they piss some people off .. and these 40 groups of people that I hear about that said that it would be a smart thing not to give the people what they want are they out of their minds I wonder if they went back and listened to what they done and thought about that for a minute yes everybody's going to be happy and at peace with each other because y'all are a bunch of dumbasses

  5. I hope all the Republican states fail. Come to the Democratic states for your freedom to use marijuana. We'll take your money and boost our economy. I love how Republicans talk about freedom. Makes me laugh.

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