Bret and Heather 147th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Why Musk Matters

In this 147th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of …


  1. I kind of figured this with Heather like literally 2 years ago, but also my mother and many other women: and seems to indicate something simple, regardless — that women are higher in both negative emotion and higher in disgust sensitivity on average than men. The other thing being that women are more likely to be PC and go along with such radical narratives (or else, simply want to help others/seem to be helping — along with following new social norms/trends; hence, in part, going along with narratives. This is known as 'social contagion', interestingly enough). All of that combined makes it painfully clear that women would wear masks way more than men. I have not seen a man wearing a mask (other than maybe one old man) for about 6 months here in the North of England, but I have seen dozens of women walking outside with masks on (of all types/ages). The couples I have seen of young men and women also show the woman wearing the mask.

    Note: In this case, Heather is quite anti-mask because she famously said she hates the way it feels and, instead of feeling disgust towards not wearing it, she feels disgust towards wearing it. I cannot explain this other than to say, maybe some women don't like having a mask on their face: this also applied to my mother, despite the fact she generally likes the idea of everybody having one — not because she is pro-mask, but because what she really wants is everybody 'clean' (meaning, she doesn't like the idea of somebody giving her it, because it's a 'dirty' thing, which it is. It's a deadly, dirty thing). I feel the same way (young male with more female personality traits, for what it's worth). I like the idea of people not being near me with Covid, but I also hate wearing masks (how they feel). I am quite high in disgust, too, also. Nonetheless, there seems to be two groups of 'mask disgust' people, then: those that hate both Covid and masks, and those that hate Covid and love masks. I don't have enough data to actually speak to what this means or why it is happening.

    It could be the case that the women who love masks are not high in disgust sensitivity, despite the fact it would seem like they would be. But, then, wouldn't somebody high in disgust care more about being masked, even if they hate the mask? Unclear. Something worth studying, if we're still allowed to study such things in the modern world (most likely not).

    P.S. Another thing that stops men wearing masks might just be how disagreeable they tend to be, such that they are not worried about saying no to the Government, or else are very political and pro-freedom, and worried about the dangers of it, and what powers it gives the Government over us (where women are not as worried about losing freedom so much as gaining security). I have no proof to the latter, and have not seen any direction results of this nature, but it does make some sense and also adds up to what we know about men and women in many ways. It makes sense, of course, to gain security, but maybe not at the cost of long-term freedom: we could posit that women are more short-term gain than men, but I also cannot prove nor disprove this. There is some evidence that women are way more long-term in some ways, so maybe it's all relative to the level of analysis, too. It turns out, this stuff is complex! 🙂

  2. Reminds me of a time when I posted a major article questioning the C19 narrative to Facebook and within a few minutes I received a Messenger invite that was (to me) clearly a scam. Now, I’m not a public figure like Brett so it’s very different. But the PTB has all sorts of tools, probably including AI bots that can do various little tricks online.

  3. Latin Americans, overall, are Compliant to mandates for the same reason you mentioned (societally used to tyranny)

    Latin American countries, are in general vaxed for the “you know what” at an extremely high percentage

    They all believed the “story” and got vaced convinced they’d save themselves and others from doom

    Everyone I know (except one) in LatinAmerica (irregardles of Country) have complied with the “jabs” requirements

  4. I didn't get the covid jab because of you guys, thank you very much. The poison jab has caused havoc in my neighborhood with myocarditis, heart attacks, strokes, shingles & 2 deaths so far. In addition, the most troubling thing is that 3 totally fit young lads suddenly got leukemia & my best friend (older man) got a strange white growth in his head that has circled 2 cerebral arteries & around his right optic nerve.

  5. If something were to happen to you, Bret, I will have finally lost any and all hope in my species. That’s how much you’ve meant to me in the last four years. Keep your wits about you my friend.

    Love from Norway, peace out!

  6. The laboratories of the states. It's what the founders envisioned. It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. Eventually… those states mistreating their citizens will have to come around. We've had enforced compliance from above (Federal) up until lately. That's a bad thing. The extreme Left are oblivious to people voting with their feet. That's how they can look at the country everyone in the world would love to live in and judge it the worst country in the world. But they will be left alone and reality dawns on the most shrouded head eventually.

  7. I arrived in Colombia in February this year and was crestfallen to see how many still were wearing masks (tapa-bocas) after coming from Ireland where very few were still wearing them. They even made little kids and toddlers wear masks. As far as I can see, Colombians really bought into the whole fiction. Yes they are suspicious of the government but they really trust the health system and would never think that the health system would be working against them and in aid of the corporations. Also, on the metro the loudspeaker would encourage people to get the j@b by saying it prevents transmission while as we knew in Europe early on, it didn't claim to prevent transmission.

  8. If you can live life on mars, you can live underground. Having a boring company would help. Providing internet to the world. means all their traffic goes through your routers. Even encryption keeps a lot of metadata (who called whom, from where).

  9. Im from Ecuador, I can tell that mask wearing does not mean much because most people dont understand it; they dont know if they are good or bad, they are just compliant and dont want to get in any trouble. The cultural wars are not as marked in here either

  10. Isn't it time the administration was asked to address Covid policy forthrightly? They still going to insist healthy young people get the vaccine that failed to prevent the spread?

  11. In my 66 years I never thought I would see the day when we no longer had freedom speech. I remember feeling sorry for the people in countries where they didn't have freedom of speech.

  12. The sexualization of children is a marxist strategy to create emotional turmoil which creates a more malleable person. It often also creates a barrier between parent and child which allows outside voices to have a greater impact.

  13. Imagine an graph. Information outlets on the x-axis [0..+N]. On the y-axis, truth is plotted as positive values; deception is plotted as negative values.

    With only a single honest outlet, the majority of the area (bound by the plot and the x-axis) — remains negative.

    Zero is a special number. As a net area. It means that truth and lies are balanced. We remain far from that balance. And we are 20,000 leagues away from meaningful (net) truth.

  14. Women are always the ones being gamed, if those in charge want the society to pivot. As long as you get women scared, they'll get the men to go to war, accept draconian measures etc. They're gamed because their mental state dictates how the tribe reacts, since our biology is stuck about 45k years in the past, where every female was crucial for tribes survival, and haven't really evolved to take into account that there are billions of them.

  15. 51:10 It’s so refreshing to hear you voice my political conundrum; as a historically blue-leaning voter, I now find myself struggling to vote for either political party as neither reflects the measure of my beliefs…the problem lies in extremism on both sides … thank you both for sharing your cogent dialogue with us!

  16. I admit there are a lot of idiots out there but I firmly believe those in power or pseudo power are definitely captured and are paid shills. A sane person would be able to clearly see if they were to listen to a debate between Heather and Bret vs anyone on the left, they would clearly see where the true problem lies as well as the truth. Remember I said sane – not the idiots that clearly have lived in their parents basement living like a leech and being indoctrinated by WEF plants.

  17. Regarding the delectable Sue Isside as mentioned by Bret towards the end I can only say that some will agree that "infamy" is the operative concept here, ie, as the British joke goes "they've got it infamy". However, with the greatest respect, I think that is unlikely. Even if something like that were possible, the sue word is simply too subtle a threat. What would your supposed enemy be trying to say? There is too much being read into this! One – I think more likely – possibility is that a few letters may have been put into the search engine – by Bret – and the autocomplete did the rest. This is especially possible with touch screen phones and especially if placed in pockets while still on. You'd probably only have to accidentally enter an "s" and a "u". That's certainly what it looks like to me. On the other hand the podcast may be presented by Heather alone next week …

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