1. Hey Doc is it possible that my immune system is down because of quitting smoking/withdraws? I feel so lethargic and like I have a mild virus of some kind. Please let me know if you know what I’m talking about. Thanks 🙏🏽

  2. Hi Dr. Frank (my name is also Frank Michael), I'm facing a bit of a problem. I watch your videos quite often and any advice would be greatly greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this, it's quite long.

    A few years ago, admittedly, I would smoke weed every day out of sheer boredom in high school which created a bad atmosphere for me and quite a bit of anxiety. Since quitting weed every day and getting over the anxiety struggle, about a year or two ago I started to make smoking once or twice a week a habit. It would not interfere with my relationships, work, or school, it was simply just there. In fact many times I would smoke weed at night and just work. I'm self employed so I would be able to smoke and work long hours late at night at home. It would allow me to focus on getting work done as well as sometimes spark my creativity as a business owner. There were times where I would smoke a couple times a week and there were times where I wouldn't smoke for 2-3 weeks, but I would never go longer than a few weeks without smoking. I noticed a pattern of feeling extremely anxious and depressed when I would stop for more than 10-14 days, so I decided to completely stop 3 weeks ago. I am just as productive as before (eating healthy, working out every day and consistently working every day), but I am extremely anxious and depressed. Along with those feelings I find myself to be more angry and irritable. I don't know why I'm depressed and anxious, but I just am. Physically I had little to no trouble quitting. I just no longer wanted my anxiety and depression to be dependent on me smoking every couple weeks. But now I'm stuck in a place of anxiety and depression and don't know what to do. I've watched a ton of your videos but it seems that this is a very particular relationship I have with weed that most people don't have.

    Also – have you every considered starting addiction therapy sessions on fiver? Charge X amount for a 30 min or hour session with Dr. Frank? I know for a fact I would pay for a service like that from you and I'm sure there are many others that would.

    Thanks again for everything you do Frank.

  3. I really appreciate how you address people's questions right away in a new video. It feels like you really care about your audience thank you. ❤️

  4. Knowing its bad for them might not stop everyone from starting smoking. But it might slow some people down. Some people might not have started smoking. And till they was 25 or 30. Because they knew it was bad for them

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