CNN documentary on Charlotte's Web, medical marijuana treating seizure disorders

A short version of the CNN documentary by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, called Weed. This short version focuses on the incredible difference …


  1. Somethings off, she got bamboozled on price. I have been to a lot of dispensaries and not one bag is over 300 and thats the best. Your telling me she paid $800 for a small bag that no one wanted? I smell BS, glad she is doing great from the Cannabis. CNN is trash

  2. We used cbd oil treatment on stage 4 cancer and it absolutely blew away morphine or oxy as a pain reliever and anti inflammatory…
    ..MY GOD,if we would of used it sooner my loved one would still be here this day…
    We were Duppped by our system and drs and my loved one died…..CBD does wonders….
    Cbd destroys cancer…1000%

  3. I feel so bad for her family and her. When entering the hospital with COVID-19 symptoms (including the entire family) she was treated in a COVID-19 ward. Upon entry she tested negative and more than likely left with it.

  4. Just saw the terrible news today. Charlotte has been part of my child psychology course for over 3 years. We have discussed her case, her treatment, and her impact on countless children's lives as a result. It's strange to feel a true sense of loss for someone I've never met, but who I've adored for so long. I'm sorry, Charlotte. May the next place be less cruel.

  5. I think they need to legalize it in every state so that everyone that has Epilepsy/Seizures can try it for there Seizures/Epilepsy the State I live in doesnt allow Marijuana or CBD Oil and I am alway changing my Meds and ending up in the ER cause of my Epilepsy and me and my Family have wished they will Legalize it in are State .

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