I love both vaping and edibles. The thing with edibles is that you need to figure out the best schedule for your condition. If you do, it is the most efficient and consistent way to do it- if you use it for pain or other conditions that require maintenance you will probably want to take small doses regularly and let it build up in your system slowly- you can use a vaporizer to supplement and treat breakthroughs. For sleep disturbances, you will just build to the appropriate dose that gets you to sleep by a desirable time without a hangover. Oral will always be the most efficient way of administering cannabis due to the conversion of THC and it's analogues into more active hydroxide forms and near complete absorption when mixed with fats, oils and alcohol- if you wanted to maximize the time you were stoned, making up a batch of edibles and just topping up constantly would give you the most bang for your buck- smoking appears to be efficient- you can have many more short highs due to the lower threshold dose smoking or vaping, but maintaining an oral high over a long period if you are the wake 'n' bake time is cheaper, especially since you'll be snacking anyways.
Have you tried budd-hub.com ? Dude it was so easy! I got my order in 20 minutes and they had a ton of products to choose from. Literally the hub of bud. Haha
Nothing harder than quit smoking weed,I feel depressed when I don't smoke but inside I wanna quit but I can't,help me on comment how to quit thank you my brotha
Edit: I’ll have to admit tho, edibles are by far the most efficient way of consuming cannabis. But smoking it out of a bong is definitely more magical.
I mean people have died from vaping so dab pens is a good alternative. But has smoking it ever really caused any negative side affects? It’s all about how you smoke it I think. For instance your not supposed to smoke 24/7 everyday. It’s harmless to smoke it once a day as long as you clean the bong. Hair, dirt, lint, bacteria, germs and all sorts of nasty shit sticks to the resin and that is what’s harmful. You have to clean your bong every time if you wanna stay healthy just like your teeth. Same goes with pipes and dab pens. The dab pens get nasty shit in them too. If you don’t keep it in a container then you have to finish it in one day or it’s gonna get nasty shit in it that can give you bronchitis. Bongs are actually the healthiest because it has to filter through the water. That’s why they call it a filter. For example tap water has fluoride while filtered water is 100% clean. Smoke a resiny black bong and I guarantee that’s what your lungs are gonna look like. A lot of it is common sense. There are so many lies and myths about weed that they actually make it seem like it’s a bad thing and that you should be guilty if you smoke it. That makes you paranoid and too much paranoia causes trauma in the brain. So if your getting paranoid every time you smoke it’s gonna have some negative effects on the brain. The paranoia is one of the main reasons people get anxiety and depression from it and that can cause even worse brain trauma. So your not getting paranoid from the plant itself, your getting paranoid of what people would think of you if you smoked it. Plus if you don’t use hemp wick or hemp matches for smoking weed and just use a lighter or even worse a torch, then you’ll get too much butane soaked in your bowl. Hemp wick is 100% anti microbial. So theres rules to this shit, if you do it the right way it can be harmless.
did he not say he was a dr what is he a dr of stupidity . any dr knows that almost all medication is arrived of some fore of plant or animal or other product taking the counponds out that help as medication then making a pill out of them sometimes ofev making a synthetic form of the compound. this is how medacadions are made. the fact is that doing this is also whats couses side affects in medacations since they do not have the other compounds needed to prevent the harsh side affects. its the same way with weed if you ever smoked up a bunch of thc and found your self with a headach or sick its do to the fact their was not enough cbd in it. we need to rethink all drungs and makes them with full benafits of the plants except for the few drugs that are only come compounds can be used since others would kill. the best way to safly take weed is consumption the secand is vape the trd is smoke the forth is extract the compounds and make a pill but for the most benafits smoking with a heading elament like vap but threw a water filter like a bong.
i "smoked" pot for the first few years i used it, never smoked anything before that and every winter i was getting bronchitis or some kind of URI, waking up with cough, i got sick of it and was scared of the health problems smoking causes…bought a volcano vaporizer and , yes while expensive, you will recoup that costs in in the first year, you get more THC by far than smoking it, and your bag of green will last almost twice as long, and havent had bronchitis since
Sanjay: Master of the Obvious!
This guy says some shit that stoners have known forever like it's a revelation, then pretends that pills are the best form of medicine to mollify Big Pharma. I'm sooo impressed. STFU!
End cannabis prohibition worldwide NOW! Cannabis = panacea. Vape it e'ery day!
Nebulizers cannot break down solids. A nebulizer is designed to turn liquids in to vapour and is commonly used for asthma medications. A vaporizer is designed for the use of solids, such as cannabis so it is safe to say that your friend has a vaporizer and not a nebulizer.
It's Is A Medicine
I love both vaping and edibles. The thing with edibles is that you need to figure out the best schedule for your condition. If you do, it is the most efficient and consistent way to do it- if you use it for pain or other conditions that require maintenance you will probably want to take small doses regularly and let it build up in your system slowly- you can use a vaporizer to supplement and treat breakthroughs. For sleep disturbances, you will just build to the appropriate dose that gets you to sleep by a desirable time without a hangover.
Oral will always be the most efficient way of administering cannabis due to the conversion of THC and it's analogues into more active hydroxide forms and near complete absorption when mixed with fats, oils and alcohol- if you wanted to maximize the time you were stoned, making up a batch of edibles and just topping up constantly would give you the most bang for your buck- smoking appears to be efficient- you can have many more short highs due to the lower threshold dose smoking or vaping, but maintaining an oral high over a long period if you are the wake 'n' bake time is cheaper, especially since you'll be snacking anyways.
I Feel Proud When I See Indian
Smoking is cool tho
Weed give you cancer if you smoke just as cigarette
Fun fact he is also stoned
It's good to see Weedborn have new CBD products that will save me money and energy to heal myself.
dude who tf thinks about dosing when smoking weed.
Eating weed withouth cooking will send you flying
Vaping isn't good for you anyways and I'm sorry but I don't listen to doctors and you're opinion doesn't mean anything to me homie.
8448355412 for beat hybrid stuff
Weed safely

Indian cacha
he knows nothing
Have you tried budd-hub.com ? Dude it was so easy! I got my order in 20 minutes and they had a ton of products to choose from. Literally the hub of bud. Haha
I know how to count!
I can't afford a vaporizer so I just gotta stick to papers pipes for now
How weed destroyed my life
Let's just say we know, we just don't care
Marijuana was meant to be consumed like a smoothie PERIOD!
Nothing harder than quit smoking weed,I feel depressed when I don't smoke but inside I wanna quit but I can't,help me on comment how to quit thank you my brotha
The way this dude pronounces 'compound' is weird
Have you ever seen politicians drinking alcohol while trying to determine how inappropriate other drugs are especially tobacco.
Woah?!??! I’ve been junkin it up this whole time.

And so they went after vaping….
Just for depression
Edit: I’ll have to admit tho, edibles are by far the most efficient way of consuming cannabis. But smoking it out of a bong is definitely more magical.
I mean people have died from vaping so dab pens is a good alternative. But has smoking it ever really caused any negative side affects? It’s all about how you smoke it I think. For instance your not supposed to smoke 24/7 everyday. It’s harmless to smoke it once a day as long as you clean the bong. Hair, dirt, lint, bacteria, germs and all sorts of nasty shit sticks to the resin and that is what’s harmful. You have to clean your bong every time if you wanna stay healthy just like your teeth. Same goes with pipes and dab pens. The dab pens get nasty shit in them too. If you don’t keep it in a container then you have to finish it in one day or it’s gonna get nasty shit in it that can give you bronchitis. Bongs are actually the healthiest because it has to filter through the water. That’s why they call it a filter. For example tap water has fluoride while filtered water is 100% clean. Smoke a resiny black bong and I guarantee that’s what your lungs are gonna look like. A lot of it is common sense. There are so many lies and myths about weed that they actually make it seem like it’s a bad thing and that you should be guilty if you smoke it. That makes you paranoid and too much paranoia causes trauma in the brain. So if your getting paranoid every time you smoke it’s gonna have some negative effects on the brain. The paranoia is one of the main reasons people get anxiety and depression from it and that can cause even worse brain trauma. So your not getting paranoid from the plant itself, your getting paranoid of what people would think of you if you smoked it. Plus if you don’t use hemp wick or hemp matches for smoking weed and just use a lighter or even worse a torch, then you’ll get too much butane soaked in your bowl. Hemp wick is 100% anti microbial. So theres rules to this shit, if you do it the right way it can be harmless.

I bet this dude got kids who 15 coming to his office talking about you said it’s better than smoking
did he not say he was a dr what is he a dr of stupidity . any dr knows that almost all medication is arrived of some fore of plant or animal or other product taking the counponds out that help as medication then making a pill out of them sometimes ofev making a synthetic form of the compound. this is how medacadions are made. the fact is that doing this is also whats couses side affects in medacations since they do not have the other compounds needed to prevent the harsh side affects. its the same way with weed if you ever smoked up a bunch of thc and found your self with a headach or sick its do to the fact their was not enough cbd in it. we need to rethink all drungs and makes them with full benafits of the plants except for the few drugs that are only come compounds can be used since others would kill. the best way to safly take weed is consumption the secand is vape the trd is smoke the forth is extract the compounds and make a pill but for the most benafits smoking with a heading elament like vap but threw a water filter like a bong.
Bhai thandai pelo bhaang wali sabse badiya
What idiot listens to Sanjay Gupta? This is the same hack that defends the current health care system….GTFOOH!
i just want to ask, is it make you feel adicted? or it depens on the person?
What are other ways to consume marijuana. Yeah, there's vaporizing but are there other ways too?
Don't try and say marijuana is bad and unhealthy, not referring to this video but aspirin is worse than marijuana
i "smoked" pot for the first few years i used it, never smoked anything before that and every winter i was getting bronchitis or some kind of URI, waking up with cough, i got sick of it and was scared of the health problems smoking causes…bought a volcano vaporizer and , yes while expensive, you will recoup that costs in in the first year, you get more THC by far than smoking it, and your bag of green will last almost twice as long, and havent had bronchitis since
bake it inside a choco cake and u are stoned for two days (suggest the weekends)
Juicing Raw Marijuana Buds is the best way to get all the heath benefits!
The doctor is right, vaporizing is the healthiest way to consume cannabis.
fuck yeah, storz and bickel ftw!!!
Cook the weed in butter, on low heat. Strain out the solids. The fat-soluble THC is now infused in the butter. Use the butter to make cookies.
Sanjay: Master of the Obvious!
This guy says some shit that stoners have known forever like it's a revelation, then pretends that pills are the best form of medicine to mollify Big Pharma. I'm sooo impressed. STFU!
End cannabis prohibition worldwide NOW! Cannabis = panacea. Vape it e'ery day!
Lol I have had a vaporizer for years and only paid $70 for it .
Nebulizers cannot break down solids. A nebulizer is designed to turn liquids in to vapour and is commonly used for asthma medications. A vaporizer is designed for the use of solids, such as cannabis so it is safe to say that your friend has a vaporizer and not a nebulizer.