ECN Public Consultation: The 2023 Cannabis Act Review – why you should care November 22, 2022 admin CBD Health Benefits 1 EduCanNation held a public education discussion on November 10th, 2022 to educate others about the upcoming Canadian …
>> You can have your say… Trouble is i don't believe it and nor will a few more people i suspect, just like when the « Task force » of Bill G-20 Blair produced its August 24th report, which clearly illustrated how QuĂ©bec's other reality got eclipsed, starting with the number of "LPs": 1 against a grand total of 36 as i recall. Now tell us what's changed in these ratios, then acknoledge that a true reform would have been better done by and with the most concerned adult citizens of all: the consumer. And in QuĂ©bec that client prefers keeping family names privated while having the luxury to host a "dealer" right at home and even evaluate the "deal" so to decide if it's OKay to call back in a couple weeks (/months), or not. Lets never forget how careless Health-Canada has been with privacy issues – *TWICE*. Maybe once that's fixed and some fairplay breeded with a genuine sense of honesty + respect, euh… M'well, somedy i hope we'll be finally able to trust our Public Institutions at last. But as far as i'm concerned i'm afraid to conclude that won't happen today, bot next month, year nor even during my lifetime. What's stolen from us just can't be given back anyway. Good luck brainwashing the emerging youth generations, it might appear to succeed for a while. Long enough to serve agendas other than simply the mutual Public Good. Prohibition 2.0 is a reality which demands more human sacrifice, a personal premanent prejudice for some vague anonymous entity apparently endoctrinated in some twited manner, e.g. with no proper considerations vs a sense of proportionality. Just think of all those TV shows we should need to BAN because of alcohol and tobacco (so-called) "banalisation", starting with Star Trek if you ask me! Seriously, if the measures were proportional to the collective harms my guess is Hollywood would go bankrupt and TV networks with it! So, here comes one of a long series of exceptions until the level of ridiculousness build-up beyond the level of getting overwhelmed – which is when i serve one of my usual response where the "C" word is substituted by the one in "M": MASTURBATION. My 1-word concatenation of how absurd (read socio-toxic) "lĂ©galeezation" actually has gone. In The Name Of Children. Ref.: "Fix-my-Kid" "Kids-for-Cash" "Narconon Trois-Rivières" Thanks but no thanks for nothing. Reply
>> You can have your say…
Trouble is i don't believe it and nor will a few more people i suspect, just like when the « Task force » of Bill G-20 Blair produced its August 24th report, which clearly illustrated how QuĂ©bec's other reality got eclipsed, starting with the number of "LPs": 1 against a grand total of 36 as i recall. Now tell us what's changed in these ratios, then acknoledge that a true reform would have been better done by and with the most concerned adult citizens of all: the consumer. And in QuĂ©bec that client prefers keeping family names privated while having the luxury to host a "dealer" right at home and even evaluate the "deal" so to decide if it's OKay to call back in a couple weeks (/months), or not. Lets never forget how careless Health-Canada has been with privacy issues – *TWICE*. Maybe once that's fixed and some fairplay breeded with a genuine sense of honesty + respect, euh… M'well, somedy i hope we'll be finally able to trust our Public Institutions at last. But as far as i'm concerned i'm afraid to conclude that won't happen today, bot next month, year nor even during my lifetime. What's stolen from us just can't be given back anyway. Good luck brainwashing the emerging youth generations, it might appear to succeed for a while. Long enough to serve agendas other than simply the mutual Public Good. Prohibition 2.0 is a reality which demands more human sacrifice, a personal premanent prejudice for some vague anonymous entity apparently endoctrinated in some twited manner, e.g. with no proper considerations vs a sense of proportionality. Just think of all those TV shows we should need to BAN because of alcohol and tobacco (so-called) "banalisation", starting with Star Trek if you ask me! Seriously, if the measures were proportional to the collective harms my guess is Hollywood would go bankrupt and TV networks with it! So, here comes one of a long series of exceptions until the level of ridiculousness build-up beyond the level of getting overwhelmed – which is when i serve one of my usual response where the "C" word is substituted by the one in "M": MASTURBATION. My 1-word concatenation of how absurd (read socio-toxic) "lĂ©galeezation" actually has gone.
In The Name Of Children.
"Narconon Trois-Rivières"
Thanks but no thanks for nothing.