1. All fruits, honey and veggies are carbs (glucose)
    Sleep. Meat is basically protein and fat, so it does not spike your blood sugar so the importance movement to use the glucose in your blood stream along with the absent insulin spike has a large impact on resting. Also it is providing your body with all the essential nutrients you are deprived of during the day. You are no longer hungry for the essentials.
    Anxiety. Your anxiety diminishes and disappears in most cases as well as depression when adding animal products to a whole foods diets because once again you are getting all the nutrition you need. You are not starving from malnutrition. You are receiving all the essential fats and proteins in their complete forms and in the most bioavailable form. No stress on the body to convert, breakdown, balance, detox and ward off the bombardment of toxins anti nutrients. Everything you need in one complete package.
    Why you can't eat some foods. Everyone is different but the older you get your body has less ability to cope with onslaught of things it does not want to deal with. So if your body is reacting to some foods just don't eat them. It is trying to tell you to stop this. Would you walk on a broken leg?, Would you walk through a thatch of poison ivy? Give yourself a rest from it and revisit later when you have healed.
    The great thing about beans, grains, veggies is that your body does not want it in its system and will evacuate it as quickly as possible. It all has a laxative effect as it is basically useless apart from this effect. Large amounts of soluble fibre would require days in the human intestine to breakdown into anything valuable. We do not have a cecum (appendix is redundant). You do know that lettuce travels through the entire digestive system and out completely intact apart from the chewing. Fun Fact lol
    Plants are great for using in a medicinal purpose, and for survival in a time of starvation but other than that. I eat fruit off my trees in summer when I am working on my property in the heat of the day for the hydration.

  2. Given you recently mentioned that your husband was vegan, then why can't he answer your questions?

    With regards to Erin and Dusty's video, you need to realize they are not qualified to be making any recommendations on diet and nutrition. They're only in their mid-30's and been vegan for around 8 years so, unlike their two little ones, they were not raised as vegan from birth and sill have a lot to learn. The fact they had to move to a warmer state to maintain their lifestyle also speaks volumes.

    The purpose of their video, as all their videos, is to make money. In this particular case, by promoting the Complement multivitamin. which they will receive a kickback for, and their Meal Planner App and coaching service. It is so obvious.

  3. I think it's thiamine. it helps with both anxiety and nightmares. many meds deplete B1, but also alcohol does. Alcoholics experience nightmares.
    The other thing is saturated animal fats. Butter will help you sleep like a baby. try making tea before bed with a T of butter blended in.

  4. My question would be as a vegan diet healthy enough to not develop osteoporosis from lack of nutrition that helps maintain strong healthy bones and bone density? I know that under eating will contribute to osteoporosis but for someone who eats a perfect vegan diet gets enough calories every day will they have healthy bones the rest of their life? Or the lack of animal fat soluble vitamins would not be good for their bone health?

  5. Keeping vegan diet for long time is dofficult, because it"s so nonnatural thst it requires a lot of self doscipline and persistence, over 50% of the so called vegans eat animal products ocassionally, for examlple when they're drunk, there"re studies for it

  6. It’s kinda odd that you’re trying to limit something that is so helpful for you. Yet, seem to be still trying to figure out how to eat a way that’s failed after all these years. 😂 I’m not trying to be a smart ass, just putting it in the most basic terms. I’m struggling too, i get it. I have my hang ups with carnivore for instance even though i’ve tried everything (but that).

  7. I think it comes down to personal preference but also personalisation of diet… it doesn't really matter if it is mental/perception or an actual something in the meat that helps you sleep in my opinion, it just means that you need to do what you need to do to feel good. You talk a lot about a small amount of meat (100 grams or less), so that is not going to do much damage as you know, and hey if it helps you whether it is something you actually need/crave to fall asleep, feel good, feel SAFE…

    And the safe part, i think this is a big one, i've noticed, with food… low fat made me feel INCREDIBLY anxious and unsafe… there is something there with evolution and females i think… we need fat in order to feel safe, for OBVIOUS reasons.. (fertility, being able to conceive, carry and feed a child requires energy and fat deposits… there is a reason women stop menstruating when their body fat drops too low, AND when energy / calories are too low… the body feels unsafe, thinks it is in a famine, and shuts down fertility… it is a miraculous mechanism in order to protect us and our potential offspring. Remember, nature/biology does nothing without good reason, and it often has to do with SURVIVAL.

    So what i am trying to say is that the meat part is probably making you feel safe, which makes you able to sleep.
    As someone who hasn't eaten meat since i was 18 (39 now), the meat has no impact on my sleep… otherwise i would've been sleepless since the age of 18 😛 and in actuality, i am actually a great sleeper, my husband is very jealous of me, he is a meat eater and a very light sleeper. So, just to say, it is not necessarily the meat itself, but whatever it is that it is giving you in terms of safety/satiety.

    I do know if i eat too little, i sleep bad. Same as if i eat a lot of sugar, i sleep bad. so it is a delicate balance.

    But give the safety thing a thought. xxx

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