Gov. Newsome Signs the Bill To Punish Doctors for COVID Misinformation

Gov. Newsome Signs the Bill To Punish Doctors for COVID Misinformation If you like this content and want more, I am doing a …


  1. They couldn't have their misinformation board so they trying to get one this way in california. Newsome think that once he get these stupid bills in california, he then can get it spread to other states. supreme court already struck down the vax mandate in NYC ,so they trying another way to get control and power through law breaking bills.

  2. Keep up a good fight. Spare a thought for "vaccines" as a tool to avoid quarantines which could have stopped the spread of the virus. To be fair (to my surprise) the goal was openly stated – that we will not try to stop the virus but to keep the spread of it in line with hospital bed capacity….Never in my life could I have imagined that someone will decide not try to stop the pandemic…. What you are seeing is a slow boil to cook a frog. We have failed to stop the AIDS , and this is even worse. I fear, a precedent has been set in this area as well as in area of climate change (Courts have upheld that politicians do not have a duty of care to prevent future deaths of children) so I really doubt there will be any effort to stop future epidemics. (Unless damage from is shown to be greater then profit some can make from it.) This as far as I can comprehend is a function of neo-liberal economy reaching more lethal stages of destruction of organised civilised societies. our government response was the same as it was in last 50 years, privatisation, deregulation, money and assets concentration to corporations and big businesses, with occasional handouts to vulnerable people *secure in knowledge that corporations will get that in a short period of time too…Some fight religious wars, some complain that religion is overstepping it's boundaries in USA, but none pay attention what most dangerous religion (neoliberalism) is doing….Climate, education, peace, standard of life , health and security are all under attack under this doctrine. Orwell was a smart man and he saw the potential but I doubt he realised that psychopaths will use his work as instruction manual. For intelligent species, vast majority of us seem to be unable to see three step in front of our noses. Sadly doublespeak is norm today….censorship is raising it's ugly head and most live in Holywood created reality spoon fed by mainstream media. Enjoy access to some real world data while you still have it. Thank you, do what you can and make sure you have secondary platform for publishing videos for time when someone decides that truth is not convenient.

  3. Charlatans who take advantage of patients should be punished–BUT politicians should NOT be involving themselves in deciding what a doctor can discuss with his/her patient. Mainstream medical advice has been wrong in the past (tonsilectomies were commonly given to children; doctors used to tell parents not to expose kids to peanuts until they were older, unintentionally condemning many to a lifetime of peanut allergies). A good doctor needs flexibility because what works for most patients will not work for all patients. Policies like this will cause good older doctors to retire early and younger doctors to move to other states. Californians will be sorry for their foolishness. Cookie-cutter (government-sanctioned) medicine will cause atypical patients to suffer needlessly–unless they are rich/desperate enough to travel to other states for medical treatment.

  4. They no longer try and hide their devious, malignant corruption and crimes.
    Anyone assuming they have the authority to trash our Constitution needs to be eliminated or, at the very least, severely punished the locked away from society forever. Why do we allow these pathetic, evil self serving politicians this power, they are dangerous to our future, this must end now.

  5. This really should be considered a crime against humanity by punishing and possible pending action taken against Dr's regarding disinformation about COVID. We have seen science become a political and social media censorship method since COVID diagnosed. We have seen faulty medical studies that were published and then quietly retracted when faulty dosages noted. This has prevented treatment with Loofymectin and HCQ with Zinc for life saving off label medications which was blocked from use by medical and pharmaceutical boards interfering with Dr's prescribing these meds. Social media censorship by fact checkers with unknown qualifications has proved to be biased and inaccurate when real world information and additional data collected as pandemic has progressed, has provided more information which brings into questions the motivation and accuracy
    of decisions deemed misinformation which actually were true. This is an intentional means of censorship and legal action allowed against doctors when political motivation is paired with health care policy. Science has been skewed to hide political and monitory gains of people linked to pharmaceutical companies and results which have not followed science methods and standards previously used and accepted for many years.
    Unbelievable that law makers are passing new legislation which will continue to suppress Dr's from being able to treat patients using best practice medicine and compassionate care medications. The doctor and patient will suffer with this new measure and it further removes real medical care treatment and decision making out of the hands of the doctors and into political and pharmaceutical leaders hands. How terribly sad for medical Dr's and patient care!

  6. Just because the legislators in California sign this or pass this and the governor put it through does not mean it represents the people of California. This is a very corrupt communist system in California. It is a one-party system we do not have a legal or representative form of government here in California.

  7. Watching from Australia, such a disturbing occurrence, the world and humanity needs more amazing, humane, ethical doctors and researchers like you Dr Been

  8. This is a very bad developpment!
    "Conspiracy Theorists" have forseen this developpment, because some "conspiracies" are very real and very true!
    The new parareligious sect "THE Science", financed by "Big Pharma" wants to dominate and control any discussion and distroy democracy. This lookes somehow very "russian" to me…

  9. This is – insane. Every time I hear someone talking about a recent emergency room visit – I am shocked at the incompetence of what I am hearing. . . Thisis what happens when Smart Doctors quit rather than acquiesce- to something known to be dangerous. Now what's left are the followers and bottom of the class. This is not America anymore when you can get on trouble for sharing something true, but in contradiction to the official " view".

  10. Newsome is a tyrant. Lies about the wu flu, about gender change drugs and procedures. This is a move to limit free speech ,discourse, and truth if it varies from the party line. Maliciousness,ill intent , false information contradicted by modern scientific info…. the government has shown "science" is bought and sold to the highest bidder. Newsome hates truth and free speech. He is a force for evil and enslavement.

  11. Because this is in California and we know that they have lied to their constituents during Covid and continue to do so
    The FDA and all the so called health institutions were complicit in the scam of Covid so why can we trust them
    There is a solution for all of the legislators who voted for this to silence the truth by bringing this law into place…
    The solution is for doctors with integrity NOT to treat any of these legislators or their families if they get sick or need medical attention
    Maybe then the bastards will think twice before screwing over the public
    They need to be punished and the legal system is not doing the job to get it done
    Let them suffer because it's not until they are personally affected that they will do the right thing

  12. Common, this has been happening for the last 2 years in the U.S., Canada and Europe.
    Doctors being subdued and force to shut up on threat of losing their practicing license.
    This is fascism at it's best.

  13. Great merchants of the earth through there sorcery/pharmacia will fool all the nations. It's biblical revelation18:23. Get ready for 🐛 hell on earth . We have been poisoned.

  14. Being a Liberal, I am very upset about this law. I have always thought Republicans have bent to this type of thinking, since they have always supported Big Biz & Monopolies against the people or education in every way. Repubs vote against Unions, Workers Rights, Education & are Pro Big Pharma, Pro Big Med, Pro Big Industrial Military, Pro Big Oil Welfare, Pro Big Biz Welfare, Pro Industrial Farms, Against Family Farms, Pro Profitized Healthcare (every country in the world has non-profit, except USA). But, since Covid the Dems, being scared from all the Repubs lies (like the election fraud, etc.) are now the ones, at least with Covid, that have blindly listened to CDC & Big Pharma about this. Many liberals I know we're also against the ER use Vaccine & its very early push (until we had more info). These are typically Republican stances, remember Bernie was against Big Pharma, Factory Farms, Big Monopolies… & supported small biz, workers rights, $ out of politics). I always believed the Republicans are real Communists (they only support the Elites= corruption) But now seeing Newsome do this is scary. Politics became way more corrupt 12 years ago with the Citizens United Bill, giving Big Biz/ $$ more power over Wash DC. Liberals are still fighting this ( "get money out of politics" campaigns). And the earlier Fairness Doctrine, allowing for fake news. Definitely sad times. Liberals at least try to level the playing field for average workers / middle class/ education/ research but many laws are passed that just create more corruption. It's sad to see Newsome go this route.

  15. When government silences the people that is F*ascism.
    It isnt about real truth, it is about following their truth even if it is a l*ie.
    More and more f*reedoms will be taken away.
    People of the world will be enslaved and abused for the enjoyment of the r*ich.
    You will obay the g*ovnmnt or you will be s*ilenced.
    HOW ARE C*ALIFORNIANS tolerating this?

    Doctors should just say go do your own research. And move the heck out of CA.
    These lawmakers are EVIL people.

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