Grand Lake delays discussion on marijuana regulation

The Grand Lake Board of Trustees had planned on discussing marijuana ordinances at their Nov. 14 meeting, but because the passage of their three related ballot questions remained in doubt a week after Election Day, they moved the discussion to their next meeting on Monday, Nov. 28.

The results of Grand Lake’s marijuana ballot questions should be finalized Thursday after the deadline to cure ballots passes and Grand County’s clerk and recorder office counts the remaining ballots. 

Trustees also moved a public hearing to consider a liquor permit for the Grand Arts Council’s Comedy Night Event to their next meeting because too few board members were in attendance for the meeting. Town Manager John Crone was on vacation while Mayor Steve Kudron and Mayor pro tem Ernie Bjorkman both attended the meeting via Zoom. The board also voted to excuse trustee Michael Sobon for missing the meeting.

Town treasurer Heike Wilson was in attendance and presented several items to the board. She gave summaries of the accounts payable for Nov. 14, the town’s financials for September and October, and three resolutions that finalized the town’s 2023 budget. Trustees approved the accounts payable and 2023 budget.

FAMLI insurance plan

Opting out of Colorado’s Colorado’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance plan in August allowed the town to give its employees the option to opt in individually without having to match the employee’s contribution of 0.45% of their salary. If employees opt in to the program individually, they have to pay the premium, but the board voted Monday to cover that cost for three years.

Town employees have until January 2023 to opt in to the program.

Other business:

  • Trustees approved the meeting minutes from Oct. 24.
  • The board passed a resolution changing town code to require developers to pay parking in lieu fees after completing their projects but before receiving a certificate of occupancy. The code used to require developers to pay the fees before receiving building permits, and the change is intended to provide developers more flexibility. It arose from a situation where a developer paid the fee before eventually building all required parking.
  • Kudron talked about his recent vacation and catching COVID, meeting with District 8 State Sen. Dylan Roberts and District 13 State Rep. Julie McCluskie, and the departure of Public Works Director Keith Everhart during his mayor’s report.
  • Board members mentioned an issue with Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre’s new buildings and short-term rental regulations as things to discuss at future meetings on top of the marijuana ordinances and Grand Arts Council liquor permit.

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