1. I really like my sativa when going out to party's or listening to music, it just gives off some euphoria but the only thing that sucks is the paranoia you'll get later, just be super safe with it & you'll have a good time

  2. Sativa make me feel like im going to die all I feel is pain pain pain but Indica make me feel good make me feel relaxed and no pain no headache. I just took CBD for the first time 5 min ago because Im trying to sleep and my man got me some

  3. In the early 70s I sold quite a lot of pot to end users. I got all my information from I guess you would call him my destributor or wholesaler. What he had me convinced of seems kind of the opposite of what is being said these days ….stuff lie thai sticks he claimed were more trippy he insisted were Indica while the droop eyed stoner kind was the sativa. Maybe it was all the power of suggestion but i thought that too at the time. I never have loved the high either way but recently I am trying some for pain and sleep ….I still dont understand how people enjoy being high all the time that baffles me as it makes it hard to think and easy to get things wrong. The one time I really did enjoy pot was the first time and that was ultra cheap 70 bucks a kilo commercial pot pressed into brick always having with a bunch of seeds and stem The "good stuff" was like 25 40 and ounce ….of course the dollar was worth much more back then

  4. When I smoke Indica I can face a whole blunt myself it just makes me feel hella relaxed . But when I smoke sativa it definitely feel different a bit more anxious

  5. Sativa greatly reduces the pain. I have post polio that gives pain increasing as the day goes by. I am an afternoon smoker and pain is nearly gone. Thank god I live in an adult state, Florida.

  6. very educational awesome vid I'm going to lock my kids in the hotbox room and force them to watch this on repeat while they get TURBO high and then we can all watch Disney's live action Mulan and get the giggles together!

  7. I like indica but sometimes it feels like I’m being forced to relax and the anxiety from that becomes it’s own thing and it feels like a nightmare and sativa usually gives me a massive insane feeling sometimes if I smoke the right amount I feel great not to crazy but if I smoke multiple blunts feels like the end is near lol and hybrid sometimes feels like someone tied a rope on each of my legs connected to two horses and made them run in different directions

  8. I've tried several strains to treat my spinal pain and anxiety and ive had mixed results……I was prescribed Hindu Kush recently and I'm blown away by how effective it is for me and my conditions.

    I definitely agree with you that strains work differently on different people.

  9. I don't like the smell of weed and I stopped smoking cigs years ago.
    But I am curious about the Sativa capsules. Does taking Sativa gel capsules that does not make you high help you focus on doing your tasks or I need to pick up the sativa capsule that makes me high?

    Btw, i hated the effect of the indica, it would knock me on the sofa for the next 8 hours 🙁

  10. I've found that while sativa vs Indica can be a good benchmark for the type of high you're gonna get, many factors, down to how you smoke it, can affect the effects of your high. I've found that most pens (the disposable ones) end up just all feeling like some form of hybrid bud. Smoking Indica from a bong usually makes me feel pretty tired as soon as the weed hits but with a pipe or a joint It takes about an hour after the weed hits to actually start to feel tired. The point is if you're trying to find out if a strain is good for you and you want my advice, there's really no way to know until you try it.

  11. Sativa for daytime (work, gym, be active) indica for night time (better sleep, body pain, relaxing) don't use Sativa if u not going to be active, personally for me sativa is way better, makes me feels sleepy at the end of the day anyway

  12. I’ve got psychosis i used to enjoy smoking but now have delusions and hallucinations every time I smoke but I miss it soo much I wanna find a strain I can smoke that won’t make me trip out

  13. I prefer indica although i smoke more sativa because its more available in my country. We should take a second to appreciate how wonderful this plant is… as a matter of fact all plants are amazing its just marijuana/cannabis/weed is sooo amazing in so much diffrent ways

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