Jesus Transforms Man Deep in Weed, New Age, Drug Dealing and Raves

Watch as Colton Reiter shares his story going from drug dealing, massive cannabis consumption, new age and psychedelics, …


  1. God bless you my brothers! Been trying to quit weed on my own for awhile. It wasn't till I prayed to Jesus that it became effortless now I'm smoke free and growing closer to our best friend Jesus Christ. Much love and God bless you guys, and all my brothers and sisters in the comment section <3 call and He will answer

  2. Thank you so much for that beautiful prayer at the end! I literally fell out in the Spirit in my shower (I’m ok)! I haven’t touched psychedelics or alcohol in over a year, but there’s other things I’ve been holding onto that I’m convicted to throw away! I was planning on it before you mentioned it. Prayers are appreciated. Thanks!

  3. What you say about shrooms starting around 49:56 shocked me! I was the opposite; I went into my shroom trip believing in the New Age, came out of it knowing the Bible is God’a Word and ALIVE and that ONLY Jesus saves! Not advocating for drugs, just saying that God snatched me out of the New Age(hell) with that trip!

  4. What you say at around 31:00 is so true! When people try to use the Genesis verse about how God made every seed and herb and it was good: I remind them that EVERYTHING was good before sin entered the world! Death wasn’t there, yet, so even a rattlesnake would have been harmless!

  5. Bless you! This is an extremely relatable testimony! Trauma, psychedelics, and the New Age certainly all go hand-in-hand! I’m glad we had these experiences, though, because seeing how REAL the spirit world is truly puts things in perspective! It also showed me 1000% that God is real and His Word is ALIVE! Literally!

  6. I’ve been trying to figure out what was the exact moment I went all in with new age practices. This video made me realize, it was from the first time I did mushrooms! Thanks guys

  7. I’ve smoked for 20 years and quit for a year came back again fasted for 41 days and when I had smoked again 285 days later it grieved the holy spirt it felt like your parent’s walking in on a house party! I gave my life to the lord but have not removed all things from my life that are not giving praise or glory to Jesus.

    It’s crazy how the devil knows all you’re weaknesses. My wife used do wiccan and if I had knew I never would have married her. It feels like my wife is against me spiritually, physically and mentally. The devil sending random woman’s to text me creating that want to break the family/marriage. Everything I do financially fails I take one step forward and three back! I feel I’m being tormented ever since I was baptized and started my first 3 day fast.

    I need serious help and don’t know where or who to go to. With so many false religions and Luke warm churches all I have is prayer fasting the word of God and YouTube preachers. Something is wrong it feels like I’m missing something direction, purpose or calling.

    It’s like a boxing match I put down my enemy and a fresh fighter comes in to challenge me and there’s a line of fighters wrapping around the stadium. I’m tired, worn, down and broken the rapture has to be very soon. Every time I go to “Conner” with God I come back refreshed with a will to carry on. But I see that Devil increases the difficulty and increases the rewards to break Gods commandments!

  8. great testimony 🙏🕊 I was also wondering about coffee… very addictive… is it also demonic? It is also available on every corner in every possible way, and legal

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