KENDALL’S BACK! The Try Guys Cheating Scandal + Lizzo Flute OUTRAGE?! – The Sesh 99

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  1. Honestly I am with Matt Walsh on it if you are being allowed into a huge respectable place you should act accordingly and hold yourself to a higher standard. There is a place for anything and everything you wouldn’t go to a black tie dinner wearing and acting the same way you would at a Rave.

  2. I am so late to this video.. but I had to say something. This was not a twerk. This actually made me remember cartoons when I was a child and they all were put to an orchestra. In my mind.. I remember the sound Lizzo played on the flute and the cartoon character wiggling their butt. It wasn't dirty or distasteful. It was funny and harmless. We all know what this is about. Maybe more kids will be more interested in learning to play an instrument and honestly.. how cool was this for Lizzo. Celebrities need to start screaming about important topics like climate change and human rights so people will pay attention. If the planet looked like a big breast, all the men would start taking better care of it. I'm catching up on all the videos I've missed over the last couple weeks. Glad to see Kendall back and so happy 💙💫🙌

  3. I forget when I’m watching this podcast that we are in the same state lol when I heard her say Pueblo I was like wait 💕😅 my friend has been served by the robot here in Pueblo. She said it was cute and friendly! 😮 Crazy to think that could be everywhere in the future! Love your podcast welcome back Kendall! 💕

  4. Also I'd like to say don't feel bad when you don't have a 'rewarding baby' 😅😅😅😅😅😅
    Mine was barely happy at any moment she woke up for a WHILE

    Kinda her personality now with the break downs. But it took a lot longer than 2 months to get a rewarding moment where she seemed chill.
    Except for kissing her daddy when her eyesight was bad 🙄

    Now my biggest buddy and tag a long EVERYWHERE

    Idk the husband may have to take her on fully when number 2 gets here 😬 unless number 2 is calm and chill

    I haven't slept without her in 3 years now. Now I know I've signed up for at least another 3 😮‍💨

  5. I hate Adam cheating so much cuz my ex would be like “I hate his face.” and I couldn’t figure it out. Dude would be like laying on the floor next to an autistic kid to make them comfortable and she’s like “I hate his face.”
    Now she has a reason to hate his face!

  6. Kendall really has me sobbing talking about her experience becoming a mom – it’s so beautiful to hear about. It’s so clear just how much love she has for her baby girl 💕

  7. Everyone who is now not liking the Dahmer show, I found are the same people who loved the OJ show.. same thing.. I mean the miss information is not right but I felt like this new show we got more of the victims stories rather than a glorified bio pic of a clearly insane individual. I enjoyed it.

  8. With the right wing media I'm sure it's cuz she black!?!? Sry why else is it a big deal!?!? "They" degrade our history!??? Plz what degrades our history was slavery and on and on

  9. ok I actually really love the way that mom has her kids live with minimal technology. their brains are probably developing in such a different way than other kids who just watch mindless tv and are handed what they want. I do think i’m middle school and high school it could be problematic with other kids having phones, learning in computer classes, and so on but in early childhood development i think it’s really great that she’s doing that even if it doesn’t last for their entire lives.

  10. Spoilers for the Dahmer Series:

    I watched the entire series, and in one of the last episodes, it is revealed that extremely racist policemen are threatening an Asian family (I don't know the exact Kulture, but it doesn't matter). I'm bringing this up because now I'm wondering if that was actually real and proven, or if they just made that up for shock value. I know that I got very angry when I watched that scene, but it might be fake. Idk this is a very strange topic.

  11. My bestie’s ex spied on her via Alexa and was listening to every conversation she had in her own house from his place it’s 100% doable and real for this to become a form of domestic abuse imo, he was messaging her taunting her and deliberately making sure to tell her the names of people in her house and what they were talking about or doing so she was constantly on edge confused and paranoid until she figured out what he was doing, it’s concerning!!!

  12. Yo moxie might be made just to monitor and record a child's thinking habits to understand and control them better. The drawings and readings like a psychologist would do. That's so freaky to me. Edit: a couple years ago I would do surveys for cash and some would have monitored questionnaires where it would track where my eyes went and what my face was doing.

  13. After like 8 months I could not for the life of me could not remember the pain even now I can’t I know it was dramatic I passed out but nope can’t and after a year everything that happened was funny I tell the story all the time but it takes time girl!!

  14. At least Lizzo is a professional flutist, trained musicians take very care of the instruments their skilled in. Kim Kardashian wearing Marilyn Monroe’s issue for me because she wore a big piece of history

  15. Kendall Idk if you’ll read this but I’ve loved your true crime videos for yeeeears, then when I found out you were pregnant I instantly felt like we were besties lol probably bc I’m a mom myself and had been watching your true crime videos for quite some time. I started watching your Mile higher podcast with your husband since I loved your OG channel so much, then I had to start listening to Josh on lights out ofc 😂😂 now finally I’m just now listening to you on the sesh. I’m only 35 minutes in but I’m literally sitting here talking with my phone like we’re all sitting down together lmaoooo. Janelle (idk if that’s how you spell it homegirl 😩) is also hilarious!! Congratulations on your baby take it all in and enjoy it, you’ll never be the same again!

  16. Jeffery Dahmer was the first serial killer I ever heard of since I grew up in Milwaukee. Only reason I was ever interested in learning about him, otherwise I honestly think I would never have watched anything about him because he’s horrifying. I just feel connected to his victims.

  17. I actually signed up for the Amazon Alexa lawsuit or whatever it was called. We won and all who signed up for it for a cash settlement.
    But I signed up because my old Alexa was whispering at night in my fiancé & I’s bedroom. It was Alexa’s voice but like super low (volume was up) and demonic sounding 😅

  18. The flute…
    The flute that belonged to one of the most Racist presidents (the one that coined the term that blacks were 3/5 of a person)
    The flute that the wife didn’t safe from the fire but she sent her slaves to save
    The flute that almost NOBODY know existed.

    Twerking comes from African dances. It is time we stopped shushing twerking as bad…

    Also, GEORGE TAKEI (pronounced Ta-KAY) is a legend! Survived Japanese Concentration camps in the US soil during WWII, Played Zulu in the Original Star Trek series and was not only one of the first Asian person to be portrayed without stereotypes in TV but one of the first in be openly gay…

  19. I named one of my daughters Holly. She’s 14 and so beautiful 😊 Enjoy EVERY moment, even when you’re tired, overwhelmed, or annoyed. They grow up WAY too fast ❤

  20. “The Watcher” on Netflix just came out and is supposed to be a reenactment of a case kendall covered in she show a loooooong time ago about that house that gets creepy and threatening letters in the mail. I’m excited to see it but would be interested in your guys’s opinion on it as well!

  21. Welcome back, Kendall!!
    I’m so glad you took the time you needed to be a mama and get used to a new chapter of your life ✨
    I respect your wanting to keep things private and totally understand not wanting to continue vlogging! You literally don’t owe us anything and so kudos to you for keeping a slice of your and Josh’s lives as it’s meant to be for you 🤗

    Loved this episode and all the topics that were covered! I too agree with the over sensationalism regarding true crime and I think these networks that broadcast the shows should be held accountable. No reason any family members and victims should have to relive their traumas.
    That having said I think it would be cool for you guys to have guest host Chris Lambert- podcaster of “Your Own Backyard” on the show!
    Not sure if it’s more aligned with Mile Higher, but I think it would be cool to see Kendall and Chris interact as you guys do such similar work for victims and families.
    I’m from SLO, live in SLO, and with the trial still not over it’s a huge topic within the community and amongst my friends and I
    Anyway! Just thought I’d throw that out there haha
    Looking forward to more episodes with the full Sesh Crew in tact 💖🌶

  22. Welcome back Kendall!!! Awww I miss those baby stretches, so cute. Being a mommy only gets better and this time till about 5 years old is the funnest part! Watching them learn and grow, so much fun. Mommy of two over here, congratulations again!!! 🥰❤

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