Kentuckians react to governor's executive order to legalize medical marijuana

Governor Andy Beshear signing an executive order making it legal for Kentuckians suffering with certain chronic illnesses to …


  1. He should have legalized it or decriminalized it. This law is stupid!! Pretty sad marijuana was made illegal through lies & propaganda but now these fools think a stupid law like this helps anyone.

  2. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every single state now and make it the law of the land across America. Just like alcohol. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't continue to stubbornly obstruct and prevent legalization within their individual home states, against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support the full federal legalization of cannabis nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Completely legal in all states across the entire U.S.A. Just like alcohol.

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