1. I remember seeing your story on 60minutes, way back when!! Seeing how far you've come is GREAT!!! I've only just started watching your videos, and can't wait for more. I can't believe that people think your faking your tourettes! They need to keep their mouths shut, and do a bit of research. Only then should anyone give their opinion.
    You keep on doing you, and I wish you all the best! 🥰🌹

  2. Thanks for spreading the knowledge! Best wishes in this endeavor.
    Charlotte's Web is the best!
    I use the balm for most aches and pain.

  3. Hi B! I’m not even sure you will see this but i’m from the states and my Psych recommended medical marijuana for me, It’s really helped loads for me i hope it works as well for you!

  4. I am so happy you have been approved B !! I suffer from serve depression and also have back issues I have L4 L5 disk herniation, spinal stenosis, and bad sciatica where the pain can be so bad it brings me to tears.. I was placed on pain meds and my body would get use to the dose and the doctors would just keep increasing and I hated it. I am hoping to find the right doctor myself so I can be placed on medical weed. I head it can help me with my back issues and my depression and my restless nights I don't sleep. I agree with out I rather try something that is all natural vs some pills that just make us feel horrible at times. I can't wait until after the new year because that's when I can buy the weed without out a medical card in my state. I live in R.I. USA. I am also looking forward to see how well you do on this natural plant .🥰

  5. I think you are an amazing person. I've been following your journey with tourette's. I worked with a girl that had tourette's. She was very misunderstood, and fired because of it. There needs to be more awareness for tourette's and jobs for people with tourette's. Bianca I love watching your videos. You are such an inspiration to people with tourette's. You are so brave to go out in public and do what you do I'm very impressed. Just a Facebook fan YouTube fan I should say. But with being a person that was pretty much ridiculed my whole life for being 90 lb and almost 5'8 because I had a thyroid disorder and didn't know it at the time I know how bullies can be. So I have come into my own and I own my illness but I truly truly applaud you for what you do. I'm 65 years old now and if you two would have been an outlet for me at the time it would have been awesome. And I'm glad there is an outlet and support groups for this sort of thing and again I applaud you and I think you're awesome

  6. Marijuana has been a great cure for many medical ailments for children and adults for so many things I am so glad you have a chance to do this because marijuana is a naturally grown substance that has wonderful prosperity good luck with that B and God bless

  7. Very happy for you B, really hope it works wonders for you and you can get off the prescription drugs completely. I've heard amazing success stories with CBD oil xxx

  8. I wonder how long it’ll be before stupid places like Australia and New Zealand lose their phobia of a plant? Canada has legalised it and so has many places in the US… including several southern states which are known for being conservative.

  9. I did the same thing for chronic daily migraine help. I took the legal route and obtained a medical card. Marijuana is such a blessing for neurological issues! Every time my speech starts to slur, I take half a gummy and it goes away. Prevention is key and sleep is so important. I wish you success in this journey!

  10. I really hope it helps with your tics B. Maybe it will help with you shopping better and working around the house, just in life itself. Take care B.

  11. I just saw ur video on truly about ur negative comments and I had to come follow u … I think yr awesome screw the haters. Really looking forward to watching ur videos ….

  12. Medical Marijuana, has helped my life soo much, I have ptsd, and severe anxiety, I have been a patient for two years now and my recovery has been so amazing, finding my purpose again and exploring new hobbies and creative outlets really helped heal me, so I hope it helps you b 💕❤️💕💕

  13. I fully believe this will help you. Before recreational mariuana was made legal in this state, my son had been diagnosed with ADHD and he was a complete bear to live with. He started smoking mariuana illegaly, at that point, but he was SO MELLOWED out. He's since outgrown his ADHD, but now he smokes legally lol. So I do believe this will help you some and I'm excited to follow this journey with you! Much love for you Miss B!! 🥰💗 Good luck! 🙏

  14. I'm a migraine sufferer for 32 years and I'm desperately trying anything to get off all the meds! So I too have begun the cannabis journey and have been on it for a few months and wow! the difference is amazing! I've begun baking with it too (I buy the ready to use oil cause i'm not going thru the process of making my own) and use it to bake with. It's amazing! And, you can also add some hash to your joint, and you'll get a very smooth, content feeling. If you wanna chat about it with me, i'd be down with that girl!! btw i'm in canada eh? lol Love ya, Brenda

  15. My husband and I have both have our medical marijuana cards for our ailments that we have and we are so glad that we have the opportunity to have this. I’m so excited to see how this may work for you.

  16. Best of luck to you B! I was so sad when the deep brain stim didn’t work out, and I’ve heard of the hard side effects of prescriptions-I hope medical marijuana is your saving grace!! Hugs and good vibes!! ❤

  17. i take seroquel too. i take 800 mg a day for bipolar and sleep stuff. i have been on it since 2014. now i am trying to get off of it and switch meds. it is daunting to think about the uncertainty of the process. seroquel really is a lifestyle bc it is such a powerful drug. wish me luck!

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