Praise The Reaper Live

This channel is to promote deep thinking, it’s not intended to provoke negative thoughts or self harm Thank you for taking the …


  1. The more people in this world creates more shortages and competition for everything in this world,not that the dummies who keep breeding care about anything other than their selfish desires to to press the copy machine button and see little carbon copies of themselves walking around and subjecting the world to deal with them,just producing more meat for the grinder of the system.

  2. Being in this world is truly just torture. I agree with a lot of those comments in the Livestream about god. I honestly believe whatever entity controls and created this world is simply evil or malevolent. It is illogical for any self-proclaimed "loving god" to allow a planet, inhabited by his beloved creation, to be engulfed with so many problems, evil, suffering, pain, and misery that affect so many human lives. It is either he exists but is very selfish and evil OR he doesn't exist at all. He may certainly exist, which I somewhat believe he does, but he is too selfish, and evil and has insane favoritism. Regardless of my belief in his existence, I see no inclination or obligation in worshipping some deity that has never shown any reason for me to believe he cares about me or loves me. Personally, life has been total shit for me as well as the majority of humans, especially third-world inhabitants. I am not surprised at myself for being a maltheist and misotheist.

  3. A hearse is a good car, store your groceries, bike, or the angry neighbor who comes over to tell you to cut your grass, or the wife. ðŸĨēðŸĪĢ

  4. What if you witness a battle between the Grim Reaper and a being called The Wrath of The Universe? The Grim Reaper loses and gets totally vaporized by The Wrath of The Universe and the only thing that's left of the Grim Reaper is its scythe. The Wrath picks up the scythe and turns it into a staff. Then points the staff at you and zaps you and you become immortal. The Wrath says this: YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER!!! THE EARTH, THE SUN AND UNIVERSE WILL GO ON FOR ETERNITY!!! ALL WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION WILL NO LONG EXIST!!!

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