sacroiliac Joint pain why it Hurts – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes information about the sacroiliac joint (SI joint) and why does it hurt?. Follow …


  1. I’ve had SI joint dysfunction for 7yrs and now have ischial tuberosity pain, which appears to be triggering headaches/migraines. This has been happening for approx 6months and it’s getting worse. Can you advise? My GP doesn’t have a clue 😩

  2. I recently had a diagnosis from my physical therapist after a recent injury that my issue is much the same as described in this video. I hope it's something that can heal up soon. I'm 5 days in with hardly any relief.

  3. Hello sir, I'm from India, and I'm 21yr old boy, I have the same problem that you told, I've taken many types of medicine and pain killers, but the pain not be under control. Finally i decided to take injection but, i think its too expensive in India, and i belong from poor family that's why i can't achieve 😓 dear sir please can u tell me how much cost of these injection?
    This disease very painful 😖 i can't tolerate it, it hell my life 😭

  4. I have pain in the same area but it runs into my glutes and testes. It hurts whenever I bend over for more than a minute or two. People don't understand the pain we have. It's something they know nothing about. I hope you get treated and find peace. I have attempted suicide by hanging twice from a low rope with knees hovering over ground and woke up panicking and the last time was trying to get the police to shoot me over a knife. I want the pain to stop. No one should feel this way. So many people are suffering and I want to help them but there is nothing I can do. I am seen as a crazy person cause I went to a psych facility. I wasn't crazy. I was sane. If you have so much pain a normal person can turn suicidal. I hope you are ok and I hope anyone that is in this pain can find help. I am struggling so bad. Why is life like this?

  5. Also important underlying cause – hypermobility syndromes including ehlers Danlos syndrome, Marfan's. Look for marfanoid body type, check Beighton score (don't just ask if patient is hypermobile as many don't realise their joint range is abnormal) . Check for pelvic floor issues eg prolapse, rectocele, evacuation difficulties, incl in people who haven't had a pregnancy (could contribute to pain & good clue to hypermobility esp if no pregnancy to explain!). Fatigue maybe related to PoTs. Hydrotherapy maybe be more effective than standard physio if joints are especially unstable due to ligament laxity.

  6. I hope i don't need an injection, it's scary for me as some people suffered from pain later on.

    I wanna try the climbing over a tree and move my pelvic to adjust it somehow.
    A lot of videos shows that it's very effective to reduce the pain over the hip joint pain and lower back pain.

    Thanks Doctor for the informative video.

  7. Hi!
    I have a nerve damage (or what I think is nerve damage) left side of stomach(just next to bellybutton)and going up to the lowest left rib. It's been almost a year now. I can't run or do any serious exercise, because I get this stabbing pain in that area, and it goes away in two weeks when I don't do anything. Fortunately I can walk as much as I want. How can I get this fixed? It happened when I was doing some weird stretching on my back and legs facing the wall in front of me. And I went to the shower and I felt pain on the lower rib when moving around. I rested for a week, pain gone, and then I had to go to a endurance test(running on a treadmill) and I gave it my all, no pain after it or anything. But the next day and like 4 days after it my whole stomach area was numb and painful. So that's how it started last year. So the pain started on the rib, but I feel it more on the stomach most of the time. But when I exercise or lift something heavy, the nerve pain is felt on the lower ribs too. Thank you!
    Also it starts to hurt when I do any kind of stretching to it as well. Then I have to not do anything for 2 weeks, and the pain goes away. Sucks as well, I'm 21 and I love sports and training hard haha
    My doctor recommended me to take ibuprofen 3 times a day for 1 week. And she sent me to a physio therapist, where I haven't gone yet. Havent done the ibuprofen stuff as well, because I don't know if I should trust her.

  8. Thank you for your informative videos. I've had SI joint pain in the past, with a feeling like the joint was out of alignment. I got relief from self-release maneuvers I found online as well as PT treatment. Thanks again from your number one occupational therapy fan!

  9. میں ایک مسجد میں امام ہوں
    مجھے کچھ وقت سے جوڑوں میں درد ہے
    AVN کا مرض بتایا ہے
    میں نہایت پریشان ہوں آپ سے ملاقات کرنا چاہتا ہوں تاکہ مجھے تسلی بخش جواب مل سکے.
    برائے مہربانی اپنا فون نمبر یا پتا بتا دیں. نوازش ہوگی

  10. Can this hurt more if you have a knee injury that’s not taken care of? I have this pain severely on right side because my left knee was injured sometimes the pain is so bad I want to cry

  11. I enjoyed this video and graphics. Please talk more about Ankylosing Spondylitis diagnosis with bloodwork, ANA, HLA B27 and xray, plus bone scan for SI joint fusion. This dysfunction is under diagnosed, especially in women. Thank you.

  12. I had si joint dysfunction and a chiropractor gave me a Serola SI Belt which I used for 2mo or so and it fixed the problem. I remember saying to the chiropractor I had pain in my ribs and bam he immediately knew the SI j problem. So for $40 a belt which would give immediate relief but needs to be used for a while to correct the problem seems like a plus-plus. Even if it doesn't work then no great loss. Also I was at 280# when the issue arose so the added weight caused the problem no doubt. I remember ascending a steep hill when it happened. The joint was probably comprised from falling hard on my buttocks years prior.

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