Select Board reconsiders marijuana license process | News

TEWKSBURY — The Tewks­bury Select Board met on Oct. 25, 2022 at town hall to discuss retail marijuana and a potential adaptive reuse of a hotel. Chair Todd Johnson joined remotely.

The board approved two National Grid pole petitions at Ipswich Street and East Street.

The board voted to ap­prove a change of category for the liquor license held by Cracker Barrel. The restaurant previously had a wine and malt li­cense, and sought to re­place it with an all alcohol license to be able to serve a broader range of drinks, including a potential brunch offering.

The board approved and posted the state election warrant for the Nov. 8, 2022 election. Residents can vote in person on election day at their polling place; election information is available at

The board discussed the retail marijuana application submission process. Initially, the town planned to review applications on a first-come, first-served ba­sis to allocate the town’s three retail marijuana li­censes following approval of the new retail marijuana bylaws at the state level after a favorable vote at Town Meeting.

Though several potential companies have held their required community meetings, chair Johnson said that the process would likely be slow and would take about three months before the board began considering applications. The board decided to take out the first-come, first-served com­ponent of the bylaw, and will consider the issuance of licenses only after companies submit a completed application, host a community outreach meeting, and complete a host community agreement.

The board, as the licensing body, will weigh and consider a proponent’s ex­perience in the cannabis industry or similar industries, compatibility of lo­cation and local geography, mitigation plans for traffic and parking, and financial solvency of companies. Proponents will be required to conduct a site plan review with the Plan­ning Board before the Sel­ect Board reviews the ap­plication.

The board discussed an adaptive reuse proposal for the Residence Inn at 1775 Andover St. and re­viewed comments for project eligibility to the Mas­sachusetts Housing Part­nership.

Sawyer Realty attorney Jeffrey Tocchio said that the reconstructed hotel rooms will be smaller in size, lending to the affordability quotient, noting that many comments received from town elected officials raised concerns over people going “stir crazy” and needing outdoor outlets.

Tocchio said that the proponent is prepared to look at both exterior and interior amenities for programming or rec­reation facilities. Tocchio noted that town staff and officials re­cently conducted a site visit of the property, which is next to the Cracker Barrel and I-495.

The site will have 130 units, including 34 two-bedroom apartments and 96 one-bedroom apartments, and 25 percent of the building will be affordable at 80 percent of the area median income; the company is seeking a waiver from the state on the three-bedroom requirement.

The company is working to address parking concerns and is focusing on ADA compliance on the property, as well as the placement of a school bus stop and connections to Route 133/Andover Street. The pro­perty may also include a coworking space to al­leviate small space concerns.

The board voted to endorse the project letter to be sent to the Massachusetts Housing Partnership.

Johnson thanked the town manager and town staff for their work on Town Meeting in Octo­ber, noting that “the preparedness, the transparency, and the level of information that’s put forward is paying dividends.”

Member Jayne Well­man shared that there are two open seats on the Tewksbury Diversi­ty, Equity, and Inclu­sion Advisory Commit­tee; interested residents can apply on the town website. She also said that the TDEIAC is considering starting a community fridge program where people can share food with those who need it.

Member James Mac­key also shared that the town is getting ready to start a cybersecurity project with cybersecurity firm Dragos, from whom the town received a $100,000 grant.

The next meeting is sche­­­­­duled for Nov. 15, 2022. Re­sidents may find previously recorded meet­­­ings at­bury­TV. The meeting may be view­ed on Com­cast channel 99 and Veri­zon channel 33 or at­tend in person at town hall.

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