1. I’m 23 years old and have had a diagnosis of crohns since the summer of 2019 but even have a fistula back in 2015, went undiagnosed till 2019.

    I really don’t want to do any biologics because of the side effects and increased chances of other illness.

    Is it possible to solve Crohns without the assistance of biologics? If so, has anyone had luck other than Ari in the video? What did you do to reach remission?

  2. You know while having these diseases or disorders you need people around you especially a loving and understanding gf/bf or spouse. Cause you might leave jobs or become emotionally confused.

  3. I'm one of those people that sweat all the small stuff.. I don't try to, I really don't but they just eat at me. I don't fly off the handle or anything but they just get my insides turning. I know that it's taking a toll on me but no matter how hard I try, i just can't not sweat the small things that ultimately don't matter because I can't fix everything. I'm getting on mushrooms to help take that edge off and easy my mind and my body. It's not exactly what I want but I think it's what I need. Thank you for the inspiring video. I know there's a cure for our IBD spite what everyone's saying, I can feel that in my gut.

  4. What you've done id definitely replicable. But the thing is, not everybody have the money to change their food habits, to go to those doctors, to keep being examined and to start practicing those sports. It's an oversimplification to say that you can change you life like that, not everybody can.

  5. All my symptoms are gone including brain fog, fatigue and forever weakness.. I got diagonised at 27 with Hashimotos disease and Crohns, living with the pains was a real everyday struggle. A warrior would definitely understand..thanks to natural diet and natural protocol of DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME on here youtube, am so excited to be free, I really appreciate your help DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME 🌿🌿

  6. Brahahahahaha! There's NO WAY this guy was that sick & cured himself of Crohn's with yoga & diet. Snake oil. 75 million people voted for Trump even after 4 years of his Charles Manson insanity. People will believe anything. Something in his diet or lifestyle was toxic or carcinogenic & when he stopped doing or eating it, he got well. You can be in remission, but NO ONE is cured of Crohn's. My advice. STRESS triggers! A TOP doctor almost killed me. So, doctors can make you worse! Most of them are morons & drug dealers! RE diet: eliminate RED MEAT & everything else in moderation! Make the best of it. Life is short. The pain will end one day. There are no miracles. There's just common sense & a lot of luck.

  7. When it comes to diseases like chrones and Ulcerative Colitis, it’s similar to cancer, symptoms go away for days, months, or even years before there is a relapse. You said you stopped taking meds Jan of last year? That’s great, but that doesn’t mean you are cured. That means you are in remission and relapse might come back or not, but you ,are it seem as if you cured it when you didn’t. There are many people that run marathons, do triathlons, etc. that have an array of different diseases including chrones that do yoga and eat right but still have to manage symptoms and flares. You make it seem as if you cured it and others that live healthy active lifestyles eating a good diet and doing yoga are somehow not doing enough.

  8. My son complains his stomach hurts after eating or drinking water. Every meal affects him. Some worse than others. Hopefully we can figure it out

  9. Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to doctor Ozuka who is full of love and commitment, thank you for helping me out in getting rid of my HPV Dr Ozuka is truly a blessing to the world

  10. I was diagnosed in 2006 aftre falling ill in India and believing to have caught a bug. After severe weight loss and many tests my great doctor said 'Crohn's' and sent me to a specialist who found hundreds of ulcers in my intestine. I didn't panic, I asked what I should eat and she gave me the basic outline. She also prescribed a huge pill to take six times a day, or granules to sprinkle over all food. I chose to eliminate problem food instead of medecines and began testing what were triggers. I have been really ill to the point of suicidal thoughts but when I am well, the sky is the limit. I suffered from migraine from childhood and it only got worse as I got older but one day it just stopped when I gave up my ultra busy career and took a back seat. I remember the days when the migraine went and how fabulously great I felt and I would get so much done. Same thing with Crohn's. I am going into hospital in September to have part of my intestine removed which should help a lot. I don't complain about it, it is what it is.

  11. When it comes to having a incurable illness like Crohn’s disease. You have to be very cautious about what you eat. Because if you eat anything that causes serious flare ups, well you’ll be in serious trouble and will have to face dire consequences.

  12. My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my Hepatitis B infection you are amazing

  13. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Doctor Elemomodu on YouTube who cured me from HPV with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too.

  14. 1.밥을 20분이상 꼭꼭씹어먹을것
    2.밥먹고 바로 30분걸을것
    3.저녁 7시 이후 음식섭취를 절대 금할것.(물제외)
    4. 운동열심히😢

  15. After using so many meds prescribed by my doctor for many years which didn’t work out, I found Dr Edozele via YouTube and I ordered his herbal meds which cured me completely from herpes simplex virus. Reach out to Dr Edozele on YouTube!

  16. Ok! Thank you thank you, for this video.
    I was diagnosed with IBSIBD and possibly Crohn’s disease and chronic inflammation of the stomach. I had to cut everything out EVERYTHING OUT of my diet yes!! Yoga! And food is important you have to replace everything my friend I lost 26 pounds in 3 weeks my family and friends were in disbelief I wasn’t trying to lose the weight it just fell off and the pain was literally gone! I am praying you will be ok my breaking point was 3 weeks ago in the hospital for 2 days I thought I wouldn’t make it out alive I remember the pain being so bad I was asking people in emergency department to please help me that’s when I thought I’d die there an never see my kids and husband that changed me forever stay healthy friend.

  17. Suffer from Crohns/Colitis with IBD and it's quite miserable. Managed to beat all of them twice , once under Stanford University medical team. They were astounded at how I managed to beat such a severe stage of this disease. I'm OCD by nature so my daily routine is incredibly strict. Have most of my day timed out even my sleeping schedules. Key are sleep, hydration, nutrition and keeping the nugget upstairs happy. The rest follows to a tee.

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