The EPIC Joe Rogan vs Steven Crowder Marijuana Debate

PLEASE, WATCH THE VIDEO UNTIL THE END. Let’s have a healthy conversation in the comments section. ROAD TO 1M …


  1. Pot can grow on a river bank. It needs water and sunlight. You can grow it on a hill. You can grow it in your flower bed. It's a weed. It's invasive like grass seed and other weeds. It will literally grow with no care. You can't paten that stuff. I don't smoke but I've never seen a pot head commit serious crimes. They'll eat you out of your house but they typically don't commit crimes at anywhere the same level as pill heads and those on hard drugs and no one is overdosing on Pot. If they're too happy give them a few hours and a nap.

  2. My point to defeat Joe rogan is that smoking weed could cause cancer for anyone doing it wrong or smoking other things. Can he disagree that weed is a gateway ? Regardless smoking in general can be healthy but overall it's easier for the average american to develop unhealthy smoking habits than good ones.

  3. Joe was wrong in the majority of his points. It's counterproductive to smoke anything because of damage to the lungs and blood vessels and arterial hardening. It's intellectually disingenuous, dishonest and asinine. Consumption in chewing and changing to liquids have shown minimal benefits. It helps with relaxation and some pain because of being inebriated. A inebriated society is a controlled, easily fooled, depraved and stupid misaligned society. Think first.

  4. I love both of these men and this is how conversations should happen. I'm an alcoholic and the only thing that has ever helped me is MJ. I am not excusing myself from flat out sobriety, but I know damn well that if I was able to smoke MJ, that my life would be exceptionally better. Why can't I smoke, because I have a good job and the policies in place prevent that from happening. Should I go to work high, no. Should I drive high, no. The bottom line is that this "drug" has been bastardized for a century while alcohol has been embraced and is a killer of millions.

  5. Hes from Canada ( with full legal markets) paying lip service on American drug law ? He needs to join the RCMP and advocate for riding moose instead of beating a dead horse .

  6. When you have DEA employees trading federal jobs for cannabis startups , tilray deals , and sativex as a prescribed pharmaceutical- crowders high on propaganda. He's schilling for prison profiteering and law enforcement unions , you're a puppet with a penchant for double speak.

  7. the way our society is today, some of us are driven to smoke even more, in my entire life, cannabis has always been friendlier to me, a better friend, helps balance my mind, and I'm sick and tired of these people who act like the mommies and daddies for the rest of us. We live in a hypocritical society where there are those who don't care about us yet come to our rescue, I don't need people like this in my life. Some of us want to be left alone, we are not hurting anyone. OK, with all that said, Joe needs to let the other guy speak, I get sensitive too when someone else talks bad about something I like, as if they are trying to convince me it's wrong, Joe does need to pipe down. Good reaction vid, thanks LFR FAMILY!

  8. I understand a weapon but when you fill out a that paper work it it doesn’t mention anything about drinking alcohol or if your alcoholic 99% of the time alcohol it’s what makes a person kill people kill people in schools and what makes them kill people just in general there’s never been a claim where marijuana makes him want to kill people marijuana is supposed to slow down the body where alcohol increases your energy and numbs the brain alcohol is more dangerous than what people think look up the studies look up the stories alcohol is the most dangerous thing that we have made we made alcohol let me “that we made alcohol marijuana is not man-made last time I checked alcohol is man-made cocaine is man-made heroin is man-made any type of pill form is man-made man-made things kill people natural things save people

  9. I usually like Joe's content as MOST of the time he comes across as impartial. This is one of those times where he clearly isn't. Get someone to talk about something they don't want or care about, keep interrupting them, get bitchy halfway through them answering you question, keep disagreeing with them and the stats then say look it up. Like or oath Crowder, he does his homework and backs up he's statements with data. Joe doesn't do the homework but disagrees…

  10. FREEDOM OF CHOICE!. Alcohol is TERRIBLE but legal. Look at Schedule 1 drugs. Absolutely ridiculous… sugar is worse for your health than weed and sugar is psychoactive! Nicotine as well.. the government is CORRUPT and $GREEDY$

  11. There's nothing special about Steven Crowder anybody can do it all he's doing is obtaining information and talking about it with his points of view anybody can literally do this and he's a Canadian so therefore I want nothing to do with him.

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