The True Story of Charles Innes (FULL)

In 1971 Charles Innes was entrapped, tricked into overdosing on PCP, brutalized by the Baltimore Police Department, and then …


  1. But guys he had marijuana 🤔! Just think the whole idea about drug criminalisation is harm reduction. All this was done under the pretext of drug law. Im sure if the police hadn't of stopped him he would have hooked a baby on heroin. You could have been that baby! I like my morphine un acetylated. Acetylated is ok too though. Poor guy. Unspeakable. Hey there D.E.A. you caused enough human suffering yet? No? Just checking.

  2. I remember hearing this in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. Duke picks up a newspaper and reads the front page reporting about this incident. I always just thought it was a wild blurb Dr. Thompson invented as it blends in so well with the others

  3. Fuck man, I LOVE that he even tested the thc-p for "bonafide"-ness for the ad!
    Just saw that you have your own channel Hamilton. Definitely subbing! 😁😁

  4. This dolt Innes says he met a biker chick and got his "green wings". What he meant to say is he got his "red wings" and I seriously doubt he did. You have to give oral sex to a woman on her period and the blood stains on the mans cheeks look like red wings. Yeah bikers are some of the nastiest out there.

  5. I had smoked some marijuana laced with pcp due to an ex being crazy. I was high for 3-5 days and it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I had these terrifying nightmares for months afterward and any time I would smoke weed during that period I slipped back into a trip. I don’t get how people can do that drug for fun. It’s absolutely terrifying.

  6. Had to stop at 3rd arrest – hope to finish this. TY Hamilton for uploading this fascinating history of Charles' life.

    Charles' story would make a great movie. I'm getting a little Matthew McConaughey vibe here. Would love to see what Charles looked like in his prime. He is lucky to be alive. ML Charles ❤

  7. Jailers who beat and abuse patients and prisoners are having all their degenerate fun while they can, because eternity is going to be terrible. This made me cry for the first time in a while – Peace to my fellow old hippie Charles Innes.

  8. This is so sad to hear, I have no words.. I hope his wife stayed with him, he was so emotional when he spoke of remembering her face and how she was the last person he saw, that was so pure. And I can't be more disgusted of the system, the government, the cops and the media doing all this dirty shit to ruin a mans life. I hope they get punished by these crimes

  9. What a wonderful interview. Anyone who thinks the police where better in "the good old days " are sadly mistaken. The police and the system behind them has always and will always be corrupt.

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