Tony Robbins finds secret to eliminating back pain

Self-help guru and author Tony Robbins says breakthroughs in precision management can change your life. He talks about the …


  1. Called a death drop. I have an example posted in Twitter? I'll see if I can find that media. I suffered so bad when I opened my mouth to speak all I could do was yell at different octaves! Avoided people for a year. Physical therapy meant moving to get to it.
    Then a dream , a horizontal bar trick used to do all the time in the fourth grade. Took me some just to hang upside down by my knees but finally, and with God in me fearless enough I sat on the bar. Use your arms to swing relaxed, backward, catching yourself natural, by your knees, until you have to let go with your legs and when I do, you land both feet same time on the ground.
    I walked away after couple times , immediate results. Why? My back had been in good shape, longer than out of whack.
    A death drop is a set up for equal weight transfer , I'm not a doctor. If your in pain. I'd suggest, by your knees hang depending how desperate you are. I wish all well, has to endure any pain constant. God first God fierce, Amen

  2. Over excitement never led to something tangible that is equally exciting. The company he probably is referring for osteoarthritis, must be biosplice (former samumed), which though managed to get to phase 3 trials but with a less “exciting” target, which is to just reduce the pain from osteoarthritis rather than regenerating all the joints in the body as mentioned in the video.

  3. This is great information for rich people.
    These new treatments can only give hope to the few who can afford it.
    What about everyday people?
    The only thing they can do is buy this book and just wish.
    I'm sure that a man as smart as Tony Robbins know this.
    So to hear these things and know that the great majority will never be able to afford them hurts.

  4. I can tell you that 3 years ago I could not walk 50 feet I had bone on bone between 4/5 in my back. Had Stem Cell Therapy and 3 years latter I walk 3 miles a day each and every day. The surgery was completely pain free. Anyone with any problems must contact their Dr’s and find out for themselves. Really glad this is getting out there well done Fox 5

  5. The late John Sarno MD – a rehabilitation doctor- was a genius for Mind- Body medicine. What x -rays, MRIs, C-scans reveal is not necessarily related to the pain you feel and often has nothing to do with it. Check him out, he may save you time and lots of money on unnecessary painful surgeries, worthless drugs, and physical therapy. His work should be considered first then costly stem cell treatments which are much better than toxic pain killers, and largely worthless surgeries. Also, Dr. Joel Wallach's nutritional approach is very effective and has even returned a multi-injured and severely damaged basketball player back into the pros and a lucrative contract when he was written off by team physicians as too much of a risk. Conventional medicine is really limited and shouldn't be considered unless all the above has been tried first. It really should be buried along with other fossils.

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