We need a federal reckoning on marijuana: Former FDA Commissonor

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t identified a single cause of vaping illnesses, but 77% of those with vaping …


  1. You see that is the thing THC not Vappin' I'll be damned there is hope 🙏 that we can go back to our lives that we lived in before all this mess,

    The bends on the E-liquid flavors or temporary thank God I hope 🙏 to, see the over I'm watching on the news 📰 that another person in Minnesota got arrested along with the mother and two brothers and him,

    There a big problem with a list of THC the garbage is on the street and they're cleaning it up the law enforcement is,

    Think positive be helpful and everything will be fine,

    Other thing is screaming and hollering and yelling isn't going to make things better I understand the people that own vap shops I think I'll be hollering and screaming and yelling if I owned the vape shop but there is hope stay strong Vapors

  2. Haven’t we been “cracking down” on drugs for like 30 years? Spending trillions of dollars to date. Where are we now? The opioid heroin crisis! Doesn’t work! Spend my tax dollars on health care and infrastructure please. Also shouldn’t sugar be a schedule 1 drug? Changes brain chemistry, is addictive, high potential for abuse, and no medical use? Sugar has probably killed more people than alcohol and drugs combined(just my rational non factual statement)

  3. Consumers Literally “busting a lung” with vape pens.. while companies “busting the bank” with profits .. all the while cnbc touts ipo’s and investing in these companies.. all about the money isn’t it?

  4. This is so ridiculous. Cannabis is just a PLANT!!!! It’s not harmful for adults to use cannabis.
    What is; LEGAL pharmaceuticals; tobacco, alcohol, TV, stock markets, bank manipulation, CNBC manipulating the stock market.

    Cannabis is only a plant: I have used cannabis since I was 13. There’s doctors that ask me the secret I have to staying much healthier and physically physique is great at my age. I am a disabled Iraq veteran retired medically from the army, and I look better then 90% of his patients at the office?? What i do different is use organic cannabis: I use Kratom. I eat my own grown food.
    Cannabis is not the enemy; the government is controlled by lobbyists who work for pharmaceutical companies.
    Thomas Jefferson said it best, If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.

  5. That didn't sound like a pharmaceutical shill at all. The figure he used about 75% Marijuana products being illicit likely includes all the states where it is still illegal. If you compare it to states Where weed is legal I suspect you will find that there is a much much lower rate of illicit use. You would think that somebody from the FDA would provide cleaner data.

  6. You know that is probably a little bit of a problem however what it sounds like to me is some huge companies are starting to push so they can lock it down and make hundreds of millions of dollars on the marijuana industry that's more what it's about

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