Would you buy gas station weed? Circle K to offer Green Thumb Industries Medical Marijuana products?

As one of the largest convenience store chains in the country, Circle K is no stranger to change. And with #cannabis legalization …


  1. Hey guys love you show just a question here or maybe an observation. Why not sell legal marijuana even if it's medical right alongside the beard and cigarettes. Get people to thinking that they need to be scheduled the same.. I like the idea

  2. Think of this, Before all this medical cannabis and some states making it legal. Ok, Before all of that where did you get your cannabis from? You got it from a person who you barely knew and who knows where they got it from and people are bitching about packaged gas station cannabis.. I don't understand people today…. I guess they all forgot about buying cannabis wrapped in aluminum foil or something like that….😂😂

  3. I buy any cannabis I can afford it doesn't matter where I purchase it. I'm not wealthy like all these You tube people who showcase all those expensive brands of cannabis…. Cannabis is cannabis it a plant that was grown the same no matter where it's purchased. People need to get off their high horse and come back to reality…..

  4. I love the content that you guys are putting out but I really wish that you would do a show that is completely about the problems with Pennsylvania. we have been suffering here with one of the worst medical programs in the country in a GOP controlled state house that will not move legalization forward. furthermore, the fact that Pennsylvania State Constitution prohibits voters from putting binding referendums on ballots is the only reason we are not having adult use legalized and homegrown here in PA. I would really like to hear your opinion about the possible legal challenge to the constitutionality of the state prohibiting voter initiated finding referendums

  5. Livin Ohio where it still illegal that sucks they random drug tested if you guys at work last week that sucks even worse. Keep your fingers crossed for me to have a job.

  6. its been legal for idk 5 years here and I still have nor set foot in a dispensary. I only grow my own. if I want dabs i will press my own. i dont think ill buy it ever again unless its seeds or clones

  7. Curious about differences between illinios and missiouri once rec is open in missouri. # of dispensaries, cost to open, price differences. Probally alot of work, besides laws of different states does anyone track this nationwide?

  8. I would atleast argue if it’sgood it’s good gotta try it once if you don’t like it after you try it don’t get anymore but bet my hat ass and glasses it’s gonna be good

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