A Girl Mistakenly Ate 96 Marijuana Gummies. This Is What Happened To Her Brain.

All references are in the description below Patient NP by Ceci, Tony by Wolfgang Nelson, Rebecca by Dawn Bradley, PA Erin …


  1. Something similar has happened to me three times. I remember vividly hallucinating during my trips. Once as a child with no tolerance, I thought I was growing and the room was shrinking. And twice as an adult with tolerance. I puked both times and the second time I thought I was going to have a seizure so I slept at my parents house for the night just in case I needed to go to the hospital. I’m surprised I don’t have brain damage at this point.

  2. Greening out isn't fun, but that is way more than the first time I did it by accident. That's why I don't like homemade edibles, it's not perfectly concentrated like you would buy at a dispensary, so greening out is way easier. Even with smoking, it just hurts if you do too much by accident. Some people never learn, me included.

  3. Brooo I once I had 100mg edible . This was my first time having an edible and I didnt know yet that I had bad reactions to weed. Anyways I was so gone I had to be thrown into the shower so I would stop freaking out. The next day I had errands to do but I don't even remember the entire day! Its all spotty and I don't get how got to the places I had to go. Anways I felt like I was high for like 4 days. Never again lmaooo

  4. I ate a 30mg gummy once and it sent me to the hospital, I was so paranoid! 10 times worst than my usual panic attacks. I cant imagine what this poor girl went through 😞😞😞

  5. I love how you can legally poison yourself but you get shamed if you eat CBD gummies. It's not even the actual weed. And yet we celebrate poisoning ourselves.

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