binky bunny I found this on his back / vets postponed due to flu

rabbit#bunny#gistasis#illness#specialneeds we found this on Binky’s back during a live by accident. I was brushing him and I saw …


  1. I found this on the web,.
    Why does my bunny have patches?
    Rabbits lose patches of fur due to parasite infections (lice, fleas, mites, and fungus), urinary tract disorders, dental issues, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial infections. Other causes include false pregnancies, overgrooming partners, and fighting between rabbits.

  2. I remember in one of your last videos you said his skin was dry. I’ll bet it has something to do with that. Glad you’ll see the vet and be able to put this behind you. Who has the flu? You Steph, or the Vet? Monday is also a big day: the Mooselings birthdays 🎉. Tell Binky he has birthday cake to look forward to when he gets home from the doc ofc. 😊

  3. Mine have troubles with injections and get skin necrosis in those spots, after the part falls off new fur grows back. Could be something like this. Sending love and crossing fingers

  4. The ones my buns used to get were like a soft peach fuzz. I used to wonder if it was where some fur was growing back in after a molt. A vet looked at one of the spots once & didn't know what it was but wasn't concerned. Whatever the black patches were they didn't seem to harm either bun since they both lived to be old 👵👵

  5. Both of my first 2 bunnies would get those dark patches on their skin too. I never found out what caused them but both buns lived to a ripe old age 🐰❤

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