Does Marijuana Disrupt Your Sleep? | Matt Walker & Andrew Huberman

Dr. Matthew Walker and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss how marijuana affects sleep. Dr. Matthew Walker is a professor of …


  1. This is great but id like to know what dosage these findings are based on. Did they smoke minutes or hours before sleep? personally i sober up after smoking within a few hours so I just time it so i have one hour of high left so I can fall asleep and it works for me.

  2. And what about using THC containing cannabis in early parts of the day vs evening before bedtime ? Is there much of a different in how it affects sleep with regards to REM ?

  3. Since i became a atheist i dream quite rare or better said dont remember that i dream let alone of what i was dreaming. But can tell when drinking or smoking i definitely did not dream or have the morning half awake half sleep dream state that is not visual dreaming but mental. Thinking and explaining quite nonsensical and bizarre topics and concepts, in this almost lucid state were even reading or counting did not wake me up as when i try it in regular dreaming.
    I do feel more fresh and energetic in morning but after 1-2 hours i start to feel the poor quality of sleep.

  4. This is very interesting. I have been smoking for years (daily) – various reasons but biggest one is to help me sleep – well I had to quit for a few months last year, and the dreams were just so vivid. Horrible, scary, right in my face dreams, I had two numbers of the emergency services dialed on my phone before I realized it was a dream and I wasn't being attacked – I was too scared to go back to sleep and kept the lights on throughout the house all night – this, and further similar experiences with those dreams, scared me so much I started smoking again just to avoid them. I have never ever been so scared…..

  5. I am 7 days off the weed after smoking for 20yrs straight and my anxiety is threw the roof and find it hard to get. goo night sleep , for some reason I can't find a doctor who will prescribe me anything for my symptoms like a strong sleeping tablet or diazapam for my anxiety issues threw out the day in fear that they are going to create a benzo addict. what can I do to help me get threw another 7 days? the doctors prescribe me stuff for schizophrenia and seem to think that is what I need but it makes me feel worse and it doesn't help with anything. what can I do?

  6. Wow, he can pronounce tetrahydrocannabinol and explain in a superficial way the difference with THC. I can attest to the wicked nightmares when you stop using it at bedtime. But stopping once or twice a year seems to work fine for me. But no insomnia per se. One or two nights when you get only several hours of sleep, so save that for a weekend. I was off for three months last year, but at the end of three months my anxiety was preventing sleep in a very nightly way. So you know, you have to choose your poisons. Talk therapy is an expensive joke.

  7. what causes sleep in pot is CBN, i have been using pot for 50 years now for sleeping. i am a ret. trauma nurse, exmilitary. and IT professional. it should replace all pharmo sleep pills.

  8. Been Micro Dosing since it's became Legal for Medical use in Arkansas…
    I will have a one good toke after Dinner and when my normal day things have been done and then once more again just before I Crawl into Bed. My Total Consumption is around 3.5 grams to maybe 5 gram's in a Month. I have Multiple Sclerosis and it Helps with my Spasticity and Sleep, and other symptoms. I feel much better than if I was 🚫 to use. Cannabis effects everyone differently and if it didn't help me I personally would not use it.🙄

  9. You talk about 25mg I'm using 2000mg thc in 30ml olive oil lab tested at 44% thc a 30ml bottle in 2 days all to get rid off my migraines and if it means i have to give up some sleep time to get rid off the pain no problem lets go for the 3000mg

  10. Definitely have noticed sleep interruption. Doing Sober October and the first week was a bit tough with sleep. It faded somewhat quickly, but the other problem is that now I have a hard time staying asleep due to back pain that THC was assisting me with. Its a bit of a trade off, but being a lower dose user I think the better end of the deal is to go back to using THC to assist with that.

  11. This is all bullshit, when i stop i fall asleep easier i dont have ‘returing insomnia’

    Cant wait for people to wake up and realise that reading textbooks dosent teach you how people work.

  12. The psychosis from stopping THC is due to the high amounts of THC and such low amounts of CBD. CBD counters the psychosis of THC. Not only that, but marijuana is medicinal when it isn't burned. Juicing raw marijuana will do more for our health than anything else you can buy. There is much more information, but the medical community in the US, has no interest in curing or healing.

  13. Neither one of you guys never use weed and have no clues on how it affects the friends you may have using it nor anyone else. You're mixing scientific opinions with personal opinion and have no facts.

  14. I slept good under the influence of marijuana. Had better dreams and remembered most of them. It’s been years since I indulged and now dreams are very infrequent and I often don’t sleep through the entire night.

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