Elite Plan To Eliminate Cash & Go All In On Crypto Exposed

Elite Plan To Eliminate Cash & Go All In On Crypto Exposed Looking To Get Tapped In To Survive And Thrive In The Greatest …


  1. CBDCā€™s make me want to become a Vigilanteā€™ for Jesus/God. I know sounds hypocritical, hear me outā€¦.I take out only the evil financial freaksā€¦.you know where I can start?

  2. Thanks Zack, great stuff Iā€™m right there with you. Hit me up, sent you an email.
    -J. Warrior of God

    The only way we can fix is is by starting our own corporations and conglomerates. Letā€™s organize and mobilize.

  3. I found this explanation earlier and it sums up the situation very well – "It's not that Jimmy is saying there WILL be a buy back of XRP…he is saying "Hey Fed! Wanna buy our XRP back from us?? If so you better fork over the big bucks for us to even consider it!". Basically, Jimmy and the committee are out there trying to protect what we hold. So, there is NO buy back. Just a proposal from Valhil Capital to the Federal Reserve……."

  4. I just find it odd that this ā€œcommitteeā€ is filled with YouTube influencers and not many people that have actually experience in finances. A lot of these influencers that swore there wouldnā€™t be a buyback, are now on a buyback committee. And the fact that Valhill would choose YT influencers is sort of a red flag for me. Stay woke. Listen between the words these influencers speak about this buyback. Wonder if they could ultimately be used to further shake out the xrp community.

  5. Zach, the offer to buy back at whatever amount is worthless, the US currency is worthless, just like Monopoly money. What guarantee does people have that after they sell their crypto, the currency becomes like Japanese yen after WW2. The US has to be supported with Gold standard first before one accepts their offer.

  6. if you listen to the youtubers that are chilling xrp ….. they are saying the same staff now a days (country, nation, soul , family, love you, community and bla bla like that)… hope is not a way to have people on the ship to buy xrp and than they dump them like shit …..

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