‘Eroded Respect For The Law’: Jamie Raskin Compares Cannabis Laws To Prohibition Era

On Tuesday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gave opening remarks about cannabis. Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook: …


  1. Devil lizard person wants people to be on drugs wants to take take the police away defunding the police and take guns and give you all the drugs you want that's the devil

  2. For once RASKIN is actually looking at past history, makes sense, and RASKIN is real RASCAL to legalize marijuana, it's definitely going to benefit Government Tax, for example Alcohol, they Tax it with seals, without a seal it's considered bootlegging, and Government gets mad, because they didn't get there fair share.

  3. WAIT WHAT????!!!!!
    Maryland just voted to INCREASE THE AMOUNT of marijuana by 4X and remove. the penalties
    There is NO DOUBT that he is aware of this. The State Legislature is Democrat
    Nancy's son is heavily invested in marijuana and she has pushed for laws legalizing it. Moreover ,the stats prove a correlation in auto deaths and the rise of crime

  4. While we’re at it don’t forget prostitution, pornography for children, pedophiles. Just put a big ole tax on all of these behaviors. Brandon has been giving so many handouts gotta pay for ‘em some way. So sick of these demonrats!!!

  5. If only the government took the same stance with guns as they do looking at liquor prohibition. Criminalizing things that do not need to be prohibited only encourages the black market

  6. Talk about the real elephant in the room – amendments had to be passed for the gov to prohibit alcohol, and then make it legal again; meanwhile, now we have all of these federal laws that have never been ratified. The war on drugs was unconstitutional from day 1.

  7. I am all for medical marijuana. I have a very painful condition that I deal with day after day. I am patiently waiting for my state to legalize it. They give pain medication with an eye dropper and wonder why people turn to weed. 😔🙁🤕

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