Full Video on Deland Social Security Office. Deland PD

As he might’ve seen in my previous video, we were unlawfully arrested for not wearing a mask inside SSA building even know …


  1. The governmental agencies like social security has no right to remove anyone for 1st amendment rights. I guarantee the d.a. will drop charges and this department could be slapped with a lawsuit with NO QUALIFIED IMMUNITY for civil rights violations. The government just made this man a heap of money and put themselves on the yt map of uneducated, arrogant and aggressive public servants.

  2. Bro I respect and appreciate your service to this country, however the way you acted and/or your lack of understanding simple concepts in this video is very disappointing. I hate mask mandates/policies and dog and pony shows too, but you took Officers away from potentially serving real victims in the community. Shame on you. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. You were told to leave. You refused. They called the police to have you trespassed, which is the police essentially verifying and documenting the trespass requested by the SSA staff. This protects both parties by documenting the event as a matter of record. You refused to leave without a paper trespass order, but refused to provide identification for the officers to complete the very paperwork you demanded. That was your most obvious example of complete stupidity.

    Now comes the argument that you can't be trespassed without first committing a crime. Completely false. Then the laughable threat that you're going to name the officers in a civil rights lawsuit. Good luck with that. A completely empty threat. And then the bizarre attempt to connect issuing a trespass warning with enforcing policy. Those dots simply don't connect.

    You don't want to obtain a mask compatible with your beard. Then trim your beard. If your beard is so important, get the right mask. And yes, private facilities may implement rules and policies as they reasonably see fit… Including state and federal facilities. That's the law. A policy requiring masks in their facility is not an abridgment of your rights, real or imagined.

    Funny thing… If you hadn't been such jackwagons and given the PD all your arrogant nonsense, they probably would have found an appropriate mask for you. And… Had you provided ID as demanded in order to process the trespass paperwork, you'd have walked away with a trespass order without being arrested. You have no one to blame but yourself. At that point, you could have approached the situation in a non-confrontational manner with the SSA or dealt with the matter though the courts. Convenient? Perhaps not. But that's how the law works.

  4. New sub and follower thanks to This is a Public Service's share. I hope you find a good lawyer to sue under 42 USC Section 1983- Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights and hold the city, the police department and each officer civilly liable. Remain Well Patriot!!

  5. Lead officer here is absolutely terrible and shouldn't be able to wear a badge! These officers lack basic compassion for humanity and any semblance of deescalation skills. Give me any excuse to arrest, anything to go hands on! This is Tyranny!

    I appreciate your service Steven, DeLand PD – not so much!

  6. It’s the same as wearing shirt shoes and pants in a business.

    If you were to walk in with no shoes they can refuse service. A mask is just another piece of clothing.

  7. … cmon man why you wasting Donuts time with this. the cops cant force social security to do anything and if they want you trespassed the cop has to enforce it.

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