Growing Cannabis with seeds from Walmart

if you are growing cannabis and shopping for supplies at Walmart…. I already know how this is going to turn out REALWILDONE …


  1. LMAO, So true BOSS. The day I met you the nonsense stopped and the veggies went outside. And in the end there was NO space like you said! thank you again for all the guidance.

  2. In the list of names of the great cannabis growers, I do not see your name. Stop being so damn smug. My father was a farmer from Georgia. He taught me how to grow any plant. You do not need anything for cannabis that wasn't available 50 years ago.

  3. Hello, My name is George and I am a plant killer. I'm starting a support group named PKA for Plant Killers Anonymous. I need someone to call when the urge to feed a PK boost becomes overwhelming. I got my three month chip and then I backslid again. SOB, give me a joint.

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