Kombucha SCOBY Hotel Food Recipe

Basic SCOBY Hotel Food Recipe: Per cup of water, add 1 tbsp. of plain white sugar and 1 tsp. loose leaf black tea/1 black tea bag.


  1. I watched another video of yours where you stated it is not necessary to burp your bottles in second ferment. I didn't burp my bottles for a couple days. When I opened one to strain before adding to the fridge, it released strawberry/blueberry shrapnel all over my ceiling, 3 walls, cupboards, hair and face. So I am now in the "other" half of people who believe that burping during 2nd ferment is crucial. Days later, and I'm still finding little bits I missed way across the kitchen. : (

  2. I am a total beginner in brewing kombucha, your channel has been the most helpful. I’m not very clear on keeping the scoby though, can I just leave the scoby with the left over tea from first fermentation in the original jar as it is or do I need to transfer it to another jar with starter tea? Would appreciate advice from any experience brewers.😊

  3. Hmmm, it all looks a lot like a first fermentation vessel and process. Whats the difference!?
    Won't your hotel simply create a new booch batch in abt 10 days?

  4. No sugar to feed hotel?? …I'm doing my hotel to make a stronger starter tea… I probalily will feed after I take some cups to start a kombucha frist fermentation and I thinking use the same sweet tea that I will use to kombucha to feed the hostel… Its a good thinking?

  5. I haven't fed mine in almost 5 months. It still looks fine, just very vinegary. Is it too late to feed it or should I start a whole new batch of scoby and start all over again? Thank you for your videos!

  6. I put my big batch brew down for a 2nd ferment because I wanted to add more flavor before bottling it. It grew the thickest scoby in just a matter of days. It's beautiful and white but now it has flavor in it. My question is can I use this scoby in other main batch brews without it sending the brew into a nasty state?

  7. Hi! I love your videos and your channel! I just have a question, do you use cane sugar? Because all the cane sugar I can find has a light brown color but yours is white, so I am just a bit confused. Also, is there a way to support you in any way? I would love to.:) 🙂 Your videos are saving my life!

  8. Would I be able to use an air tight gallon jar of some sort for 2nd fermentation? Each gallon I make has the same flavor and I’d like to start straining the kombucha once the 2nd fermentation is done. I think it’d be easier if I could flavor the entire gallon and strain into bottles once it’s fully carbonated. Is that possible?

  9. I have a question about the health benefits of kombucha. I totally believe it helps me. But I made my most tasty batch the other day and I just can’t help but think that it couldn’t be healthy but it tastes the best. I’m a travel icu nurse and hadn’t been able to get to the store in a while so I used what I had
    I used a can of pineapple and a can of peaches. Blended them and oh my god. The tastiest kombucha and the best fizz. But is it healthy? Can you help me figure that out? I want to make that one again but 🤷‍♂️. Ps. I absolutely love love love your show. I got my friends and most importantly my son to watch your show and we all make our kombucha. Thanks again

  10. Any chance you can do some videos on coffee kombucha? I brew it myself, but would like to hear your pointers and advice if you have any…. most other videos I see aren’t as useful…

  11. Wow that’s some timing! I’m about to make a Scoby hotel now and went on YouTube to pass the time while my hotel bottle sanitizes in hot water. And boom! You posted this. Thank you 🙏

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