Laura Barber's HB 5470 Michigan Medical Marijuana Testimony

Mrs. Laura Barber testifies before the State of Michigan Committee on Government Operations on Tuesday November 28th, 2006.


  1. Our US government has made marijuana more profitable by classifying it as an elicit drug. Instead of taxing it like they do with pharmaceuticals they force tax payers to waste billions of dollars yearly on a plant that makes underground drug dealers profit daily. illegal or not people are still going to use it, making the war on drugs a huge wast of time. The police are wasting the money and man power when they could be saving lives and keep real criminals off the street…

  2. Marijuana has been used for religious, spiritual and medical reasons for more than 4.000 years.marijuana has no threat of death. There hasn't been a single death report caused by marijuana,with 10.000 deaths caused from FDA approved medicines marijuana is a lot safer drug for medical purposes.marijuana has no notable cancer effects, so we can say it's safer than tobacco which the United States will never ban while they gain so much profit from it,Marijuana isn't a physically addictive drug…

  3. Harry Anslinger and William Hurst where the cause of marijuana prohibition these two men had ties with the US government, owned textile and forests, contributing to the use of hazardous chemicals to make millions. Once the knew what marijuana could off and how it could lay mar to their million dollar industry the set off on a nation wide campaign to assure their money was safe. Anslinger used yellow journalism to convince the public that weed was a tool of the devil…

  4. the government forces this plant underground and as a result gives a black market level to a substance that will never be any where even close to the damage that cocaine alcohol and heroin cause. A pot dealer has to carry a gun to ensure his or her own safety due to the label the US government has placed on a natural substance. Our government has smuggled in Colombian cocaine and Afghanistan heroin for years, there is testimony from former DEA agent that this is fact…

  5. this poor woman, her testimony made me want to cry. The reason the government wont make it legal federally, is due to the harmful chemicals and poisons made by manufacturing company's that stand to lose billions by this plant. They know what it can do and how safe and biodegradable it is. They know they stand to lose because its an alternative to the tobacco and alcohol that kills thousands yearly. The problem is not the user the problem is our governments greed…

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