Live on 96fm 7-12-22

CannabisReformIreland #BringAliciaHome An update from todays court case for the Valentines Day civil Disobedience protest …


  1. Paul Byrne is good in the way he asks stupid questions that 'normal people' would ask so they can relate to the topic. Someone like me would breakdown during that interview lol, but you were able to make clear sense of the stupidity he said. I'm sure hes on our side but it wouldn't benefit him to say it 😅

  2. I didn't feel like he was overly harsh with his questions, I really felt he was being fairly neutral and making a point of asking those dumb questions, made me feel like he was on board but he knows there are a lot of stupid ideas about cannabis. Fair play to you anyways, its well beyond time to end prohibition and turn cannabis into a source of taxes and profits for the country rather than an expense.

  3. This prohibition with cannabis is causing such castastrophic consequences.
    Its causing a great deal of misery and suffering in people. It's good this is being expressed and emphasised and well done to Aimee and everyone else on this.
    Our politicians need to get their act together.
    There is alot of major issues in Ireland that needs urgent major discussion and it needs to happen now

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